- GETGet a cloud account by name
- DELDelete an cloud account by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a cloud account by name
- GETGet all cloud accounts
- POSTCreate a cloud account
- POSTGet all cloud accounts based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a cloud account by name
- GETGet available permissions for a cloud account resource type
- GETGet an identity by GVC and name
- DELDelete an identity by GVC and name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on an identity by name
- GETGet all identities in a GVC
- POSTCreate an identity
- GETGet all identities from all GVCs
- POSTGet all GVC identities based on a query
- GETGet the access report for an identity by GVC and name
- GETGet available permissions for an identity
- GETGet a secret by name
- DELDelete a secret by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on an IP Set by name
- GETGet all secrets
- POSTCreate a secret
- GETGet the sensitive content of a secret by name
- POSTGet all secrets based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a secret by name
- GETGet available permissions for a secret resource type
- GETGet a service account by name
- DELDelete a service account by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a service account by name
- GETGet all service accounts
- POSTCreate a service account
- POSTGet all service accounts based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a service account by name
- POSTAdd a key to a service account
- GETGet available permissions for a service account resource type
- GETGet a volumeset by GVC and name
- DELDelete a volumeset by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a volumeset by name
- GETList volumesets in a GVC you are authorized to view
- POSTCreate a volumeset
- GETGet all volumesets
- POSTGet all volumesets based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a volumeset by GVC and name
- GETGet available permissions for a volumeset resource type
- GETGet a workload by GVC and name
- DELDelete a workload by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a workload by name
- GETGet a deployment by GVC, workload and name
- GETList workloads in a GVC you are authorized to view
- POSTCreate a workload
- GETGet all workloads
- GETList deployments in a workload
- POSTGet all workloads based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a workload by GVC and name
- GETGet available permissions for a workload resource type
Get an org by name
Response will contain the requested org if the caller is authorized to view it
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.cpln.io/org/{name}
"id": "<string>",
"kind": "<string>",
"version": 123,
"description": "<string>",
"tags": {},
"created": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"lastModified": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"links": [
"rel": "<string>",
"href": "<string>"
"name": "<string>",
"spec": {
"logging": {
"s3": {
"bucket": "<string>",
"region": "<string>",
"prefix": "/",
"credentials": "<string>"
"coralogix": {
"cluster": "coralogix.com",
"credentials": "<string>",
"app": "<string>",
"subsystem": "<string>"
"datadog": {
"host": "http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com",
"credentials": "<string>"
"logzio": {
"listenerHost": "listener.logz.io",
"credentials": "<string>"
"elastic": {
"aws": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"region": "<string>"
"elasticCloud": {
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"cloudId": "<string>"
"generic": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"path": "<string>",
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"username": "<string>",
"password": "<string>"
"cloudWatch": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"credentials": "<string>",
"retentionDays": 123,
"groupName": "<string>",
"streamName": "<string>",
"extractFields": {}
"fluentd": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123
"stackdriver": {
"credentials": "<string>",
"location": "us-east1"
"syslog": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"mode": "tcp",
"format": "rfc5424",
"severity": 123
"extraLogging": [
"s3": {
"bucket": "<string>",
"region": "<string>",
"prefix": "/",
"credentials": "<string>"
"coralogix": {
"cluster": "coralogix.com",
"credentials": "<string>",
"app": "<string>",
"subsystem": "<string>"
"datadog": {
"host": "http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com",
"credentials": "<string>"
"logzio": {
"listenerHost": "listener.logz.io",
"credentials": "<string>"
"elastic": {
"aws": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"region": "<string>"
"elasticCloud": {
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"cloudId": "<string>"
"generic": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"path": "<string>",
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"username": "<string>",
"password": "<string>"
"cloudWatch": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"credentials": "<string>",
"retentionDays": 123,
"groupName": "<string>",
"streamName": "<string>",
"extractFields": {}
"fluentd": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123
"stackdriver": {
"credentials": "<string>",
"location": "us-east1"
"syslog": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"mode": "tcp",
"format": "rfc5424",
"severity": 123
"tracing": {
"sampling": 123,
"lightstep": {
"endpoint": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>"
"customTags": {},
"provider": {
"otel": {
"endpoint": "<string>"
"lightstep": {
"endpoint": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>"
"controlplane": {}
"sessionTimeoutSeconds": 123,
"authConfig": {
"domainAutoMembers": [
"samlOnly": true
"observability": {
"logsRetentionDays": 123,
"metricsRetentionDays": 123,
"tracesRetentionDays": 123,
"defaultAlertEmails": [
"security": {
"threatDetection": {
"enabled": true,
"minimumSeverity": "warning",
"syslog": {
"transport": "tcp",
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123
"status": {
"accountLink": "<string>",
"active": true
Service account key can be used as API keys
Path Parameters
, us-east-2
, us-west-1
, us-west-2
, ap-south-1
, ap-northeast-2
, ap-southeast-1
, ap-southeast-2
, ap-northeast-1
, eu-central-1
, eu-west-1
, eu-west-2
, eu-south-1
, eu-west-3
, eu-north-1
, me-south-1
, sa-east-1
, af-south-1
, us-east4
, us-central1
, us-west1
, europe-west4
, europe-west1
, europe-west3
, europe-west2
, asia-east1
, asia-southeast1
, asia-northeast1
, asia-south1
, australia-southeast1
, southamerica-east1
, africa-south1
, asia-east2
, asia-northeast2
, asia-northeast3
, asia-south2
, asia-southeast2
, australia-southeast2
, europe-central2
, europe-north1
, europe-southwest1
, europe-west10
, europe-west12
, europe-west6
, europe-west8
, europe-west9
, me-central1
, me-central2
, me-west1
, northamerica-northeast1
, northamerica-northeast2
, southamerica-west1
, us-east5
, us-south1
, us-west2
, us-west3
, us-west4
, udp
, tls
, rfc5424
Emergency (EMERG) (severity level 0): System is unusable.
Alert (ALERT) (severity level 1): Action must be taken immediately.
Critical (CRIT) (severity level 2): Critical conditions.
Error (ERR) (severity level 3): Error conditions.
Warning (WARNING) (severity level 4): Warning conditions.
Notice (NOTICE) (severity level 5): Normal but significant conditions.
Informational (INFO) (severity level 6): Informational messages.
Debug (DEBUG) (severity level 7): Debug-level messages.
, us-east-2
, us-west-1
, us-west-2
, ap-south-1
, ap-northeast-2
, ap-southeast-1
, ap-southeast-2
, ap-northeast-1
, eu-central-1
, eu-west-1
, eu-west-2
, eu-south-1
, eu-west-3
, eu-north-1
, me-south-1
, sa-east-1
, af-south-1
, us-east4
, us-central1
, us-west1
, europe-west4
, europe-west1
, europe-west3
, europe-west2
, asia-east1
, asia-southeast1
, asia-northeast1
, asia-south1
, australia-southeast1
, southamerica-east1
, africa-south1
, asia-east2
, asia-northeast2
, asia-northeast3
, asia-south2
, asia-southeast2
, australia-southeast2
, europe-central2
, europe-north1
, europe-southwest1
, europe-west10
, europe-west12
, europe-west6
, europe-west8
, europe-west9
, me-central1
, me-central2
, me-west1
, northamerica-northeast1
, northamerica-northeast2
, southamerica-west1
, us-east5
, us-south1
, us-west2
, us-west3
, us-west4
, udp
, tls
, rfc5424
Emergency (EMERG) (severity level 0): System is unusable.
Alert (ALERT) (severity level 1): Action must be taken immediately.
Critical (CRIT) (severity level 2): Critical conditions.
Error (ERR) (severity level 3): Error conditions.
Warning (WARNING) (severity level 4): Warning conditions.
Notice (NOTICE) (severity level 5): Normal but significant conditions.
Informational (INFO) (severity level 6): Informational messages.
Debug (DEBUG) (severity level 7): Debug-level messages.
these emails are configured as alert recipients in grafana when the grafana-default-email contact delivery type is Email
configure detected threats to be forwarded using a specified protocol
whether or not detected threats should be forwarded
any threats with this severity and more severe will be sent. Others will be ignored
, error
, critical
configuration for syslog forwarding
the transport-layer protocol to send the syslog messages over. If TCP is chosen, messages will be sent with TLS.
, udp
the hostname to send syslog messages to
the port to send syslog messages to
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.cpln.io/org/{name}
"id": "<string>",
"kind": "<string>",
"version": 123,
"description": "<string>",
"tags": {},
"created": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"lastModified": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"links": [
"rel": "<string>",
"href": "<string>"
"name": "<string>",
"spec": {
"logging": {
"s3": {
"bucket": "<string>",
"region": "<string>",
"prefix": "/",
"credentials": "<string>"
"coralogix": {
"cluster": "coralogix.com",
"credentials": "<string>",
"app": "<string>",
"subsystem": "<string>"
"datadog": {
"host": "http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com",
"credentials": "<string>"
"logzio": {
"listenerHost": "listener.logz.io",
"credentials": "<string>"
"elastic": {
"aws": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"region": "<string>"
"elasticCloud": {
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"cloudId": "<string>"
"generic": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"path": "<string>",
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"username": "<string>",
"password": "<string>"
"cloudWatch": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"credentials": "<string>",
"retentionDays": 123,
"groupName": "<string>",
"streamName": "<string>",
"extractFields": {}
"fluentd": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123
"stackdriver": {
"credentials": "<string>",
"location": "us-east1"
"syslog": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"mode": "tcp",
"format": "rfc5424",
"severity": 123
"extraLogging": [
"s3": {
"bucket": "<string>",
"region": "<string>",
"prefix": "/",
"credentials": "<string>"
"coralogix": {
"cluster": "coralogix.com",
"credentials": "<string>",
"app": "<string>",
"subsystem": "<string>"
"datadog": {
"host": "http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com",
"credentials": "<string>"
"logzio": {
"listenerHost": "listener.logz.io",
"credentials": "<string>"
"elastic": {
"aws": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"region": "<string>"
"elasticCloud": {
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"cloudId": "<string>"
"generic": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"path": "<string>",
"index": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>",
"username": "<string>",
"password": "<string>"
"cloudWatch": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"credentials": "<string>",
"retentionDays": 123,
"groupName": "<string>",
"streamName": "<string>",
"extractFields": {}
"fluentd": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123
"stackdriver": {
"credentials": "<string>",
"location": "us-east1"
"syslog": {
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123,
"mode": "tcp",
"format": "rfc5424",
"severity": 123
"tracing": {
"sampling": 123,
"lightstep": {
"endpoint": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>"
"customTags": {},
"provider": {
"otel": {
"endpoint": "<string>"
"lightstep": {
"endpoint": "<string>",
"credentials": "<string>"
"controlplane": {}
"sessionTimeoutSeconds": 123,
"authConfig": {
"domainAutoMembers": [
"samlOnly": true
"observability": {
"logsRetentionDays": 123,
"metricsRetentionDays": 123,
"tracesRetentionDays": 123,
"defaultAlertEmails": [
"security": {
"threatDetection": {
"enabled": true,
"minimumSeverity": "warning",
"syslog": {
"transport": "tcp",
"host": "<string>",
"port": 123
"status": {
"accountLink": "<string>",
"active": true