- GETGet a cloud account by name
- DELDelete an cloud account by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a cloud account by name
- GETGet all cloud accounts
- POSTCreate a cloud account
- POSTGet all cloud accounts based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a cloud account by name
- GETGet available permissions for a cloud account resource type
- GETGet an identity by GVC and name
- DELDelete an identity by GVC and name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on an identity by name
- GETGet all identities in a GVC
- POSTCreate an identity
- GETGet all identities from all GVCs
- POSTGet all GVC identities based on a query
- GETGet the access report for an identity by GVC and name
- GETGet available permissions for an identity
- GETGet a secret by name
- DELDelete a secret by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a secret by name
- GETGet all secrets
- POSTCreate a secret
- GETGet the sensitive content of a secret by name
- POSTGet all secrets based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a secret by name
- GETGet available permissions for a secret resource type
- GETGet a service account by name
- DELDelete a service account by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a service account by name
- GETGet all service accounts
- POSTCreate a service account
- POSTGet all service accounts based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a service account by name
- POSTAdd a key to a service account
- GETGet available permissions for a service account resource type
- GETGet a volumeset by GVC and name
- DELDelete a volumeset by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a volumeset by name
- GETList volumesets in a GVC you are authorized to view
- POSTCreate a volumeset
- GETGet all volumesets
- POSTGet all volumesets based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a volumeset by GVC and name
- GETGet available permissions for a volumeset resource type
- GETGet a workload by GVC and name
- DELDelete a workload by name
- PATCHPerform a Patch on a workload by name
- GETGet a deployment by GVC, workload and name
- GETList workloads in a GVC you are authorized to view
- POSTCreate a workload
- GETGet all workloads
- GETList deployments in a workload
- POSTGet all workloads based on a query
- GETGet the access report for a workload by GVC and name
- GETGet available permissions for a workload resource type
Create a domain
Service account key can be used as API keys
In 'cname' dnsMode, Control Plane will configure workloads to accept traffic for the domain but will not manage DNS records for the domain. End users configure CNAME records in their own DNS pointed to the canonical workload endpoint. Currently 'cname' dnsMode requires that a tls.serverCertificate is configured when subdomain based routing is used. In 'ns' dnsMode, Control Plane will manage the subdomains and create all necessary DNS records. End users configure an NS record to forward DNS requests to the Control Plane managed DNS servers.
One of gvcLink and routes may be provided. When gvcLink is configured each workload in the GVC will receive a subdomain in the form ${workload.name}.${domain.name}
Service account key can be used as API keys
Path Parameters
The response is of type any