
The Control Plane CLI (cpln) can be installed by using npm, homebrew or by downloading the specific binary package for the target operating system.

Execute the following command to install the CLI:

npm install -g @controlplane/cli


After installing the CLI, enabling autocomplete will help the user quickly iterate through the commands by entering the first few letters of a command and pressing the Tab key.

cpln misc install-completion

If you wish to enable auto-completion in the zsh shell, make sure you have the following commands at the beginning of your ~/.zshrc file:

autoload -U compinit

Autocomplete workaround for users of Cygwin:

After executing the cpln misc install-completion command:

  1. Copy the cpln.bash file from C:/Users/<username>/.config/tabtab/cpln.bash to C:/cygwin64/home/<username>/.config/tabtab/cpln.bash
  2. Edit or create a new .bashrc file at C:/cygwin64/home/<username>/.bashrc
  3. Add the following line to the .bashrc file: . C:/cygwin64/home/<username>/.config/tabtab/cpln.bash


The Control Plane CLI is executed by running:


The following commands are available (viewable by running cpln --help):

cpln <command>

  cpln account                              Manage accounts
  cpln agent                                Manage agents
  cpln apply                                Create or update a resource using an input file
  cpln auditctx                             Manage audit contexts
  cpln cloudaccount                         Manage cloud accounts
  cpln convert                              Convert k8s files to cpln files
  cpln cp <file-spec-src> <file-spec-dest>  Allows you to copy files and directories to and from workloads  [aliases: copy]
  cpln delete                               Delete resources from files
  cpln domain                               Manage custom domains
  cpln group                                Manage groups
  cpln gvc                                  Manage global virtual clouds
  cpln helm                                 Manage helm releases on cpln
  cpln identity                             Manage identities within a global virtual cloud  [aliases: id]
  cpln image                                Manage images and configure Docker login
  cpln ipset                                Manage IP Sets
  cpln location                             Manage locations  [aliases: loc]
  cpln login [ref]                          Create a profile named "default" and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process
  cpln logs <query>                         Show logs
  cpln misc                                 Miscellaneous helper commands
  cpln mk8s                                 Manage an mk8s cluster
  cpln operator                             A Kubernetes operator for Control Plane
  cpln org                                  Manage organizations
  cpln policy                               Manage access policies
  cpln port-forward <ref> <ports...>        Forward one or more local ports to a workload
  cpln profile                              Manage local profiles
  cpln quota                                Show quotas
  cpln rest                                 Submit REST requests against the API
  cpln secret                               Manage secrets
  cpln serviceaccount                       Manage service accounts  [aliases: sa]
  cpln stack                                manage docker-compose files  [aliases: compose]
  cpln task                                 Manage pending tasks
  cpln user                                 Manage users
  cpln volumeset                            Manage a persistent volumeset within a global virtual cloud
  cpln workload                             Manage workloads within a global virtual cloud  [aliases: w]

  --help     Show help  [boolean]
  --version  Show version number  [boolean]

© 2025 Control Plane Corporation

Each command and associated subcommands are described below.

The referenced objects in the subcommands follow this pattern:

[ref]: Optional object

[ref…]: One or more optional objects

<ref>: Required object

<ref…>: One or more required objects

If the response from a command is truncated, use the following options to view the complete response:

  • In JSON: --output json or -o json
  • In YAML: --output yaml or -o yaml

Most of the commands require that the org and/or the GVC be referred to using the --org and/or --gvc options.

In order to avoid entering these options for each command, the default profile can be updated to refer to a default org and/or GVC using the cpln profile update command.

Example: cpln profile update default --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-cpln-gvc

This command will update the default profile to use the demo-cpln-organization org and the demo-cpln-gvc GVC when executing a command that requires an org and/or GVC. The --org and --gvc will not longer be required.


Manage accounts

cpln account [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln account get [ref...]  Get accounts by id or list accounts

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

account Subcommands

account get

Get accounts by id or list accounts


cpln account get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references


Manage agents

For a detailed overview, please visit the agent’s reference page.

cpln agent [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln agent access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced agent
  cpln agent create               Create a new agent
  cpln agent delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced agents
  cpln agent edit <ref>           Edit the referenced agent, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln agent eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced agent  [aliases: log]
  cpln agent get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced agents
  cpln agent info <ref>           Get info about an agent
  cpln agent manifest             Generate a manifest for running an agent in K8S
  cpln agent patch <ref>          Update the referenced agent's metadata using an input file
  cpln agent permissions          Show the grantable permissions for an agent object type
  cpln agent query                Find all the agents based on the given query
  cpln agent tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced agents
  cpln agent up                   Run an agent within a local Docker instance
  cpln agent update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced agent

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

agent Subcommands

agent access-report

Show the access report for the referenced agent


cpln agent access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

agent create

Create a new agent


cpln agent create --name AGENT_NAME [OPTIONS]

agent delete

Delete one or more referenced agents


cpln agent delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

agent edit

Edit the referenced agent, as YAML, within an editor


cpln agent edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

agent eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced agent


cpln agent eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

agent get

Retrieve one or more referenced agents


cpln agent get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

agent info

Get info about an agent


cpln agent info <ref> [OPTIONS]

agent manifest

Generate a manifest for running an agent in K8S


cpln agent manifest --bootstrap-file FILE_NAME --namespace NAME_SPACE [OPTIONS]

agent patch

Update the referenced agent’s metadata using an input file


cpln agent patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

agent permissions

Show the grantable permissions for an agent object type


cpln agent permissions [OPTIONS]

agent query

Find all the agents based on the given query


cpln agent query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

agent tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced agents


cpln agent tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

agent up

Run an agent within a local Docker instance


cpln agent up --bootstrap-file FILE_NAME [--background] [OPTIONS]

agent update

Update properties of the referenced agent


cpln agent update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Create or update a resource using an input file.

Refer to the cpln apply guide for additional details.


cpln apply [OPTIONS]


Manage audit contexts

For a detailed overview, please visit the audit context’s reference page.

cpln auditctx [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln auditctx access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced audit context
  cpln auditctx clone <ref>          Create a clone of the referenced audit context; this will only duplicate its spec.  [aliases: copy]
  cpln auditctx create               Create a new audit context
  cpln auditctx edit <ref>           Edit the referenced audit context, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln auditctx eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced audit context  [aliases: log]
  cpln auditctx get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced audit contexts
  cpln auditctx patch <ref>          Update the referenced audit context's metadata using an input file
  cpln auditctx permissions          Show the grantable permissions for an audit context object type
  cpln auditctx query                Find all the audit contexts based on the given query
  cpln auditctx tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced audit contexts
  cpln auditctx update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced audit context

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

auditctx Subcommands

auditctx access-report

Show the access report for the referenced audit context


cpln auditctx access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

auditctx clone

Create a clone of the referenced audit context; this will only duplicate its spec.


cpln auditctx clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

auditctx create

Create a new audit context


cpln auditctx create --name NAME [OPTIONS]

auditctx edit

Edit the referenced audit context, as YAML, within an editor


cpln auditctx edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

auditctx eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced audit context


cpln auditctx eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

auditctx get

Retrieve one or more referenced audit contexts


cpln auditctx get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

auditctx patch

Update the referenced audit context’s metadata using an input file


cpln auditctx patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

auditctx permissions

Show the grantable permissions for an audit context object type


cpln auditctx permissions [OPTIONS]

auditctx query

Find all the audit contexts based on the given query


cpln auditctx query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

auditctx tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced audit contexts


cpln auditctx tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

auditctx update

Update properties of the referenced audit context


cpln auditctx update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage cloud accounts

For a detailed overview, please visit the cloud account’s reference page.

cpln cloudaccount [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln cloudaccount access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced cloud account
  cpln cloudaccount create-aws           Create an AWS cloud account
  cpln cloudaccount create-azure         Create an Azure cloud account
  cpln cloudaccount create-gcp           Create a GCP cloud account
  cpln cloudaccount create-ngs           Create a NGS cloud account
  cpln cloudaccount delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced cloud accounts
  cpln cloudaccount edit <ref>           Edit the referenced cloud account, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln cloudaccount eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced cloud account  [aliases: log]
  cpln cloudaccount get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced cloud accounts
  cpln cloudaccount patch <ref>          Update the referenced cloud account's metadata using an input file
  cpln cloudaccount permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a cloud account object type
  cpln cloudaccount query                Find all the cloud accounts based on the given query
  cpln cloudaccount tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced cloud accounts

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

cloudaccount Subcommands

cloudaccount access-report

Show the access report for the referenced cloud account


cpln cloudaccount access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

cloudaccount create-aws

Create an AWS cloud account


cpln cloudaccount create-aws --name ACCOUNT_NAME --role-arn ROLE_ARN [OPTIONS]

By defining an AWS cloud account, you enable workloads to consume services from a specific AWS account. The Control Plane CLI (cpln) provides account-specific instructions for registering an AWS cloud account with Control Plane. Simply execute cpln cloudaccount create-aws --how to obtain step-by-step instructions. The instructions emitted are specific to the organization for the currently logged-on cpln user. To override the organization, pass the --org ORG_NAME option.

cloudaccount create-azure

Create an Azure cloud account


cpln cloudaccount create-azure --name ACCOUNT_NAME --secret AZURE_SECRET [OPTIONS]

By defining an Azure cloud account, you enable workloads to consume services from a specific Azure account. The Control Plane CLI (cpln) provides account-specific instructions for registering an Azure cloud account with Control Plane. Simply execute cpln cloudaccount create-azure --how to obtain step-by-step instructions. The instructions emitted are specific to the organization for the currently logged-on cpln user. To override the organization, pass the --org ORG_NAME option.

cloudaccount create-gcp

Create a GCP cloud account


cpln cloudaccount create-gcp --name ACCOUNT_NAME --project-id PROJECT_ID [OPTIONS]

By defining a GCP cloud account, you enable workloads to consume services from a specific GCP account. The Control Plane CLI (cpln) provides account-specific instructions for registering a GCP cloud account with Control Plane. Simply execute cpln cloudaccount create-gcp --how to obtain step-by-step instructions. The instructions emitted are specific to the organization for the currently logged-on cpln user. To override the organization, pass the --org ORG_NAME option.

cloudaccount create-ngs

Create a NGS cloud account


cpln cloudaccount create-ngs --name ACCOUNT_NAME --secret SECRET_REFERENCE [OPTIONS]

cloudaccount delete

Delete one or more referenced cloud accounts


cpln cloudaccount delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

Deleting a cloud account will not remove any configuration at the associated cloud provider

cloudaccount edit

Edit the referenced cloud account, as YAML, within an editor


cpln cloudaccount edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

cloudaccount eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced cloud account


cpln cloudaccount eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

cloudaccount get

Retrieve one or more referenced cloud accounts


cpln cloudaccount get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

cloudaccount patch

Update the referenced cloud account’s metadata using an input file


cpln cloudaccount patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

cloudaccount permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a cloud account object type


cpln cloudaccount permissions [OPTIONS]

cloudaccount query

Find all the cloud accounts based on the given query


cpln cloudaccount query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

cloudaccount tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced cloud accounts


cpln cloudaccount tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.


Convert k8s files to cpln files

Refer to the cpln convert guide for additional details.


cpln convert [OPTIONS]


Copy files and directories to and from workloads.

Refer to the cpln cp guide for additional details.


cpln cp <file-spec-src> <file-spec-dest> [OPTIONS]


Delete resources from files

Refer to the cpln delete guide for additional details.


cpln delete [OPTIONS]


Manage custom domains

For a detailed overview, please visit the domain’s reference page.

cpln domain [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln domain access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced domain
  cpln domain create               Create a new domain
  cpln domain delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced domains
  cpln domain edit <ref>           Edit the referenced domain, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln domain eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced domain  [aliases: log]
  cpln domain get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced domains
  cpln domain patch <ref>          Update the referenced domain's metadata using an input file
  cpln domain permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a domain object type
  cpln domain query                Find all the domains based on the given query
  cpln domain tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced domains

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

domain Subcommands

domain access-report

Show the access report for the referenced domain


cpln domain access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

domain create

Create a new domain


cpln domain create --name DOMAIN_NAME [OPTIONS]

Ownership of the referenced domain is required by setting a TXT DNS entry.

Please review the instructions here.

domain delete

Delete one or more referenced domains


cpln domain delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

domain edit

Edit the referenced domain, as YAML, within an editor


cpln domain edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

domain eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced domain


cpln domain eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

domain get

Retrieve one or more referenced domains


cpln domain get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

domain patch

Update the referenced domain’s metadata using an input file


cpln domain patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

domain permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a domain object type


cpln domain permissions [OPTIONS]

domain query

Find all the domains based on the given query


cpln domain query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

domain tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced domains


cpln domain tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.


Manage groups

For a detailed overview, please visit the group’s reference page.

cpln group [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln group access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced group
  cpln group add-member <ref>     Add members to the referenced group
  cpln group clone <ref>          Create a clone of the referenced group; this will only duplicate its spec.  [aliases: copy]
  cpln group create               Create a new group
  cpln group delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced groups
  cpln group edit <ref>           Edit the referenced group, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln group eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced group  [aliases: log]
  cpln group get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced groups
  cpln group patch <ref>          Update the referenced group's metadata using an input file
  cpln group permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a group object type
  cpln group query                Find all the groups based on the given query
  cpln group remove-member <ref>  Remove members from the referenced group
  cpln group tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced groups
  cpln group update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced group

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

group Subcommands

group access-report

Show the access report for the referenced group


cpln group access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

group add-member

Add members to the referenced group


cpln group add-member <ref> --email USER_EMAIL [OPTIONS]

cpln group add-member <ref> --serviceaccount SERVICE_ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

group clone

Create a clone of the referenced group; this will only duplicate its spec.


cpln group clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

group create

Create a new group


cpln group create --name GROUP_NAME [OPTIONS]

After creating a new group, use the subcommand add-member to populate the group with users and/or service accounts.

group delete

Delete one or more referenced groups


cpln group delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

group edit

Edit the referenced group, as YAML, within an editor


cpln group edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

group eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced group


cpln group eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

group get

Retrieve one or more referenced groups


cpln group get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

group patch

Update the referenced group’s metadata using an input file


cpln group patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

group permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a group object type


cpln group permissions [OPTIONS]

group query

Find all the groups based on the given query


cpln group query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

group remove-member

Remove members from the referenced group


cpln group remove-member <ref> --email USER_EMAIL [OPTIONS]

cpln group remove-member <ref> --serviceaccount SERVICE_ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]

group tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced groups


cpln group tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

group update

Update properties of the referenced group


cpln group update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage global virtual clouds

For a detailed overview, please visit the gvc’s reference page.

cpln gvc [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln gvc access-report <ref>         Show the access report for the referenced global virtual cloud
  cpln gvc add-location <ref>          Add one or more locations to the referenced global virtual cloud
  cpln gvc clone <ref>                 Create a clone of the referenced global virtual cloud; this will only duplicate its spec.  [aliases: copy]
  cpln gvc create                      Create a new global virtual cloud
  cpln gvc delete <ref...>             Delete GVCs by name
  cpln gvc delete-all-workloads <ref>  Delete all workloads for the referenced global virtual cloud
  cpln gvc edit <ref>                  Edit the referenced global virtual cloud, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln gvc eventlog <ref>              Show the event log of the referenced global virtual cloud  [aliases: log]
  cpln gvc get [ref...]                Retrieve one or more referenced global virtual clouds
  cpln gvc patch <ref>                 Update the referenced global virtual cloud's metadata using an input file
  cpln gvc permissions                 Show the grantable permissions for a global virtual cloud object type
  cpln gvc query                       Find all the global virtual clouds based on the given query
  cpln gvc remove-location <ref>       Remove one or more locations from the referenced global virtual cloud
  cpln gvc tag <ref...>                Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced global virtual clouds
  cpln gvc update <ref>                Update properties of the referenced global virtual cloud

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

gvc Subcommands

gvc access-report

Show the access report for the referenced global virtual cloud


cpln gvc access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

gvc add-location

Add one or more locations to the referenced global virtual cloud


cpln gvc add-location <ref...> --location {aws-eu-central-1|aws-us-west-2|azure-eastus2|gcp-us-east1} [OPTIONS]

gvc clone

Create a clone of the referenced global virtual cloud; this will only duplicate its spec.


cpln gvc clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

gvc create

Create a new global virtual cloud


cpln gvc create --name GVC_NAME --location {aws-eu-central-1|aws-us-west-2|azure-eastus2|gcp-us-east1} [OPTIONS]

gvc delete

Delete GVCs by name


cpln gvc delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

Deleting a gvc will remove all associated resources (workloads, etc.)

gvc delete-all-workloads

Delete all workloads for the referenced global virtual cloud


cpln gvc delete-all-workloads <ref> [OPTIONS]

Deleting all the associated workloads will remove all associated resources (containers, etc.)

gvc edit

Edit the referenced global virtual cloud, as YAML, within an editor


cpln gvc edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

gvc eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced global virtual cloud


cpln gvc eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

gvc get

Retrieve one or more referenced global virtual clouds


cpln gvc get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

gvc patch

Update the referenced global virtual cloud’s metadata using an input file


cpln gvc patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

gvc permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a global virtual cloud object type


cpln gvc permissions [OPTIONS]

gvc query

Find all the global virtual clouds based on the given query


cpln gvc query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

gvc remove-location

Remove one or more locations from the referenced global virtual cloud


cpln gvc remove-location <ref...> --location {aws-eu-central-1|aws-us-west-2|azure-eastus2|gcp-us-east1} [OPTIONS]

gvc tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced global virtual clouds


cpln gvc tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

gvc update

Update properties of the referenced global virtual cloud


cpln gvc update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage helm releases on cpln

Refer to the cpln helm guide for additional details.

cpln helm [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln helm get                            Download extended information of a named release
  cpln helm history <release>              Fetch release history
  cpln helm install [release] [chart]      Install a release  [aliases: apply]
  cpln helm list                           List releases
  cpln helm rollback <release> [revision]  Roll back a release to a previous revision
  cpln helm template [release] [chart]     Generate cpln resources from a template
  cpln helm uninstall <release>            Uninstall a release  [aliases: destroy, del, delete, un]
  cpln helm upgrade [release] [chart]      Upgrade a release  [aliases: apply]

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

helm Subcommands

helm get

Download extended information of a named release

cpln helm get [SUBCOMMAND]

An empty reference will return all references

  cpln helm get manifest <release>  Download the manifest for a named release
  cpln helm get values <release>    Download the values file for a named release

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

get Subcommands

helm get manifest

Download the manifest for a named release


cpln helm get manifest <release> [OPTIONS]

helm get values

Download the values file for a named release


cpln helm get values <release> [OPTIONS]

helm history

Fetch release history


cpln helm history <release> [OPTIONS]

helm install

Install a release


cpln helm install [release] [chart] [OPTIONS]

helm list

List releases


cpln helm list [OPTIONS]

helm rollback

Roll back a release to a previous revision


cpln helm rollback <release> [revision] [OPTIONS]

helm template

Generate cpln resources from a template


cpln helm template [release] [chart] [OPTIONS]

helm uninstall

Uninstall a release


cpln helm uninstall <release> [OPTIONS]

helm upgrade

Upgrade a release


cpln helm upgrade [release] [chart] [OPTIONS]


Manage identities within a global virtual cloud

For a detailed overview, please visit the identity’s reference page.

cpln identity [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln identity access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced identity
  cpln identity create               Create a new identity
  cpln identity delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced identities
  cpln identity edit <ref>           Edit the referenced identity, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln identity eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced identity  [aliases: log]
  cpln identity get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced identities
  cpln identity patch <ref>          Update the referenced identity's metadata using an input file
  cpln identity permissions          Show the grantable permissions for an identity object type
  cpln identity query                Find all the identities based on the given query
  cpln identity tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced identities
  cpln identity update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced identity

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

identity Subcommands

identity access-report

Show the access report for the referenced identity


cpln identity access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

identity create

Create a new identity


cpln identity create --name IDENTITY_NAME [OPTIONS]

identity delete

Delete one or more referenced identities


cpln identity delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

identity edit

Edit the referenced identity, as YAML, within an editor


cpln identity edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

identity eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced identity


cpln identity eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

identity get

Retrieve one or more referenced identities


cpln identity get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

identity patch

Update the referenced identity’s metadata using an input file


cpln identity patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

identity permissions

Show the grantable permissions for an identity object type


cpln identity permissions [OPTIONS]

identity query

Find all the identities based on the given query


cpln identity query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

identity tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced identities


cpln identity tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

identity update

Update properties of the referenced identity


cpln identity update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage images and configure Docker login

For a detailed overview, please visit the image’s reference page.

cpln image [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln image access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced image
  cpln image build                Build and containerize an application into an image. If using buildpacks, everything after -- will be passed down to the pack executable.
  cpln image copy <ref>           Copy an image from one org to another. This will make sure that docker-login has been run against the source and destination org, then will pull, tag and push the image to the destination org.
  cpln image delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced images
  cpln image docker-login         Perform a Docker login to the organization's private registry
  cpln image edit <ref>           Edit the referenced image, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln image get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced images
  cpln image patch <ref>          Update the referenced image's metadata using an input file
  cpln image permissions          Show the grantable permissions for an image object type
  cpln image query                Find all the images based on the given query
  cpln image tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced images

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

image Subcommands

image access-report

Show the access report for the referenced image


cpln image access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

image build

Build and containerize an application into an image. If using buildpacks, everything after — will be passed down to the pack executable.


cpln image build --name IMAGE_NAME:TAG [OPTIONS]

To push an image using this command, the docker-credential-cpln executable must be installed if the CLI was not installed using npm.

The option --builder accepts any trusted buildpacks builder.

The default buildpack is heroku/buildpacks:18.

Docker is required to be installed.

image copy

Copy an image from one org to another. This will make sure that docker-login has been run against the source and destination org, then will pull, tag and push the image to the destination org.


cpln image copy <ref> --to-name IMAGE:TAG --to-org TARGET_ORG --to-profile TARGET_ORG_PROFILE [OPTIONS]

image delete

Delete one or more referenced images


cpln image delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

image docker-login

Perform a Docker login to the organization’s private registry


cpln image docker-login [OPTIONS]

image edit

Edit the referenced image, as YAML, within an editor


cpln image edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

image get

Retrieve one or more referenced images


cpln image get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

image patch

Update the referenced image’s metadata using an input file


cpln image patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

image permissions

Show the grantable permissions for an image object type


cpln image permissions [OPTIONS]

image query

Find all the images based on the given query


cpln image query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

image tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced images


cpln image tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.


Manage locations

For a detailed overview, please visit the location’s reference page.

cpln location [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln location access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced location
  cpln location create               Create a new BYOK location
  cpln location delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced locations
  cpln location edit <ref>           Edit the referenced location, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln location get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced locations
  cpln location install <ref>        Get instructions for obtaining the installation script for a BYOK location
  cpln location patch <ref>          Update the referenced locations's metadata using an input file
  cpln location permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a location object type
  cpln location query                Find all the locations based on the given query
  cpln location tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced locations
  cpln location uninstall <ref>      Get instructions for obtaining the uninstallation script for a BYOK location

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

location Subcommands

location access-report

Show the access report for the referenced location


cpln location access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

location create

Create a new BYOK location


cpln location create --name NAME [OPTIONS]

location delete

Delete one or more referenced locations


cpln location delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

location edit

Edit the referenced location, as YAML, within an editor


cpln location edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

location get

Retrieve one or more referenced locations


cpln location get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

location install

Get instructions for obtaining the installation script for a BYOK location


cpln location install <ref> [OPTIONS]

location patch

Update the referenced locations’s metadata using an input file


cpln location patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

location permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a location object type


cpln location permissions [OPTIONS]

location query

Find all the locations based on the given query


cpln location query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

location tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced locations


cpln location tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

location uninstall

Get instructions for obtaining the uninstallation script for a BYOK location


cpln location uninstall <ref> [OPTIONS]


Create a profile named “default” and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process


cpln login [ref] [OPTIONS]


Show logs

For a detailed overview, please visit the logs’ reference page.


cpln logs <query> [OPTIONS]

The <query> positional requires a valid LogQL string enclosed within single quotes.

Available query labels: gvc, workload, container, location, provider, replica, stream


Miscellaneous helper commands

cpln misc [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln misc install-completion    Install shell completion to your local profile
  cpln misc uninstall-completion  Uninstall shell completion from your local profile

  --help     Show help  [boolean]
  --version  Show version number  [boolean]

misc Subcommands

misc install-completion

Install shell completion to your local profile


cpln misc install-completion [OPTIONS]

misc uninstall-completion

Uninstall shell completion from your local profile


cpln misc uninstall-completion [OPTIONS]


Manage an mk8s cluster

cpln mk8s [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln mk8s access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced mk8s cluster
  cpln mk8s clone <ref>          Create a clone of the referenced mk8s cluster; this will only duplicate its spec.  [aliases: copy]
  cpln mk8s dashboard <ref>      Open the k8s dashboard for an mk8s cluster
  cpln mk8s delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced mk8s clusters
  cpln mk8s edit <ref>           Edit the referenced mk8s cluster, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln mk8s eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced mk8s cluster  [aliases: log]
  cpln mk8s get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced mk8s cluster
  cpln mk8s join <ref>           Join compute nodes to a cluster
  cpln mk8s kubeconfig <ref>     Create a kubeconfig for a cluster.
  cpln mk8s patch <ref>          Update the referenced mk8s cluster's metadata using an input file
  cpln mk8s permissions          Show the grantable permissions for an mk8s cluster object type
  cpln mk8s query                Find all the mk8s clusters based on the given query
  cpln mk8s tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced mk8s clusters
  cpln mk8s update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced mk8s cluster

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

mk8s Subcommands

mk8s access-report

Show the access report for the referenced mk8s cluster


cpln mk8s access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

mk8s clone

Create a clone of the referenced mk8s cluster; this will only duplicate its spec.


cpln mk8s clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

mk8s dashboard

Open the k8s dashboard for an mk8s cluster


cpln mk8s dashboard <ref> [OPTIONS]

mk8s delete

Delete one or more referenced mk8s clusters


cpln mk8s delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

mk8s edit

Edit the referenced mk8s cluster, as YAML, within an editor


cpln mk8s edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

mk8s eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced mk8s cluster


cpln mk8s eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

mk8s get

Retrieve one or more referenced mk8s cluster


cpln mk8s get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

mk8s join

Join compute nodes to a cluster


cpln mk8s join <ref> [OPTIONS]

mk8s kubeconfig

Create a kubeconfig for a cluster.


cpln mk8s kubeconfig <ref> [OPTIONS]

mk8s patch

Update the referenced mk8s cluster’s metadata using an input file


cpln mk8s patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

mk8s permissions

Show the grantable permissions for an mk8s cluster object type


cpln mk8s permissions [OPTIONS]

mk8s query

Find all the mk8s clusters based on the given query


cpln mk8s query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

mk8s tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced mk8s clusters


cpln mk8s tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

mk8s update

Update properties of the referenced mk8s cluster


cpln mk8s update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


A Kubernetes operator for Control Plane

Refer to the cpln operator guide for additional details.

cpln operator [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln operator install    Install the Kubernetes operator to your cluster
  cpln operator uninstall  Uninstall the Kubernetes operator from your cluster

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

operator Subcommands

operator install

Install the Kubernetes operator to your cluster


cpln operator install [OPTIONS]

operator uninstall

Uninstall the Kubernetes operator from your cluster


cpln operator uninstall [OPTIONS]


Manage organizations

For a detailed overview, please visit the org’s reference page.

cpln org [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln org access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced organization
  cpln org create               Create a new organization
  cpln org edit <ref>           Edit the referenced organization, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln org eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced organization  [aliases: log]
  cpln org get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced organizations
  cpln org patch <ref>          Update the referenced organization's metadata using an input file
  cpln org permissions          Show the grantable permissions for an organization object type
  cpln org query                Find all the organizations based on the given query
  cpln org tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced organizations
  cpln org update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced organization

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

org Subcommands

org access-report

Show the access report for the referenced organization


cpln org access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

org create

Create a new organization


cpln org create --name ORG_NAME [OPTIONS]

org edit

Edit the referenced organization, as YAML, within an editor


cpln org edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

org eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced organization


cpln org eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

org get

Retrieve one or more referenced organizations


cpln org get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

org patch

Update the referenced organization’s metadata using an input file


cpln org patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

org permissions

Show the grantable permissions for an organization object type


cpln org permissions [OPTIONS]

org query

Find all the organizations based on the given query


cpln org query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

org tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced organizations


cpln org tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

org update

Update properties of the referenced organization


cpln org update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage access policies

For a detailed overview, please visit the policy’s reference page.

cpln policy [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln policy access-report <ref>   Show the access report for the referenced policy
  cpln policy add-binding <ref>     Bind one or more permissions to the referenced policy and associate it with one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities
  cpln policy clone <ref>           Clone a policy  [aliases: copy]
  cpln policy create                Create a new policy
  cpln policy delete <ref...>       Delete one or more referenced policies
  cpln policy edit <ref>            Edit the referenced policy, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln policy eventlog <ref>        Show the event log of the referenced policy  [aliases: log]
  cpln policy get [ref...]          Retrieve one or more referenced policies
  cpln policy patch <ref>           Update the referenced policy's metadata using an input file
  cpln policy permissions           Show the grantable permissions for a policy object type
  cpln policy query                 Find all the policies based on the given query
  cpln policy remove-binding <ref>  Remove the bindings of one or more permissions from the referenced policy and disassociate it from one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities
  cpln policy tag <ref...>          Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced policies
  cpln policy update <ref>          Update properties of the referenced policy

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

policy Subcommands

policy access-report

Show the access report for the referenced policy


cpln policy access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

policy add-binding

Bind one or more permissions to the referenced policy and associate it with one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities


cpln policy add-binding <ref> --permission PERMISSION_NAME COMMAND_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

policy clone

Clone a policy


cpln policy clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

policy create

Create a new policy


cpln policy create --name POLICY_NAME --target-king TARGET [OPTIONS]

policy delete

Delete one or more referenced policies


cpln policy delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

Deleting a policy will remove all associated resources (targets, bindings, etc.)

policy edit

Edit the referenced policy, as YAML, within an editor


cpln policy edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

policy eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced policy


cpln policy eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

policy get

Retrieve one or more referenced policies


cpln policy get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

policy patch

Update the referenced policy’s metadata using an input file


cpln policy patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

policy permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a policy object type


cpln policy permissions [OPTIONS]

policy query

Find all the policies based on the given query


cpln policy query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

policy remove-binding

Remove the bindings of one or more permissions from the referenced policy and disassociate it from one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities


cpln policy remove-binding <ref> --permission PERMISSION_NAME COMMAND_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

policy tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced policies


cpln policy tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

policy update

Update properties of the referenced policy


cpln policy update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Establish secure local access to your workload.

Refer to the cpln port-forward guide for additional details.


cpln port-forward <ref> <ports...> [OPTIONS]


Manage local profiles

For a detailed overview, please visit the manage CLI profiles guide.

cpln profile [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln profile delete <profiles...>   Delete one or more referenced profiles
  cpln profile get [profiles...]      Retrieve one or more profiles
  cpln profile login [ref]            Create a profile named "default" and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process
  cpln profile set-default <profile>  Set the referenced profile as the default
  cpln profile token [profile]        Show the JWT token of the referenced profile
  cpln profile update <profile>       Manage the referenced profile  [aliases: create]

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]

profile Subcommands

profile delete

Delete one or more referenced profiles


cpln profile delete <profiles...> [OPTIONS]

profile get

Retrieve one or more profiles


cpln profile get [profiles...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

profile login

Create a profile named “default” and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process


cpln profile login [ref] [OPTIONS]

profile set-default

Set the referenced profile as the default


cpln profile set-default <profile> [OPTIONS]

profile token

Show the JWT token of the referenced profile


cpln profile token [profile] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return the token for the default profile

profile update

Manage the referenced profile


cpln profile update <profile> COMMAND_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]


Show quotas

For a detailed overview, please visit the quota’s reference page.

cpln quota [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln quota edit <ref>    Edit the referenced quota, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln quota get [ref...]  Retrieve one or more referenced quotas
  cpln quota patch <ref>   Update the referenced quota's metadata using an input file
  cpln quota permissions   Show the grantable permissions for a quota object type
  cpln quota query         Find all the quotas based on the given query

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

quota Subcommands

quota edit

Edit the referenced quota, as YAML, within an editor


cpln quota edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

quota get

Retrieve one or more referenced quotas


cpln quota get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

quota patch

Update the referenced quota’s metadata using an input file


cpln quota patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

quota permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a quota object type


cpln quota permissions [OPTIONS]

quota query

Find all the quotas based on the given query


cpln quota query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]


Submit REST requests against the API

cpln rest [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln rest create <path>  Submit a POST request followed by a GET request against the referenced path
  cpln rest delete <path>  Submit a DELETE request against the referenced path
  cpln rest edit <path>    Launches the default editor with the contents of the referenced path
  cpln rest get <path>     Submit a GET request against the referenced path
  cpln rest patch <path>   Submit a PATCH request against the referenced path
  cpln rest post <path>    Submit a POST request against the referenced path
  cpln rest put <path>     Submit a PUT request against the referenced path

Context options:
  --profile  Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable

Format options:
  --output, -o  Set the output format  [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
  --color       Colorize the output  [boolean] [default: true]
  --ts          Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text)  [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
  --max         Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records.  [number] [default: 50]

Request options:
  --token         Override the authorization token
  --endpoint      Override the API URL
  --insecure, -k  Ignore TLS errors  [boolean]

Debug options:
  --verbose, -v  Enable verbose output to stderr  [boolean] [default: false]
  --debug, -d    Show all HTTP communications  [boolean] [default: false]

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

rest Subcommands

rest create

Submit a POST request followed by a GET request against the referenced path


cpln rest create <path> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request

rest delete

Submit a DELETE request against the referenced path


cpln rest delete <path> [OPTIONS]

rest edit

Launches the default editor with the contents of the referenced path


cpln rest edit <path> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

rest get

Submit a GET request against the referenced path


cpln rest get <path> [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

rest patch

Submit a PATCH request against the referenced path


cpln rest patch <path> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request

rest post

Submit a POST request against the referenced path


cpln rest post <path> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request

rest put

Submit a PUT request against the referenced path


cpln rest put <path> [OPTIONS]

If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request


Manage secrets

For a detailed overview, please visit the secret’s reference page.

cpln secret [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln secret access-report <ref>     Show the access report for the referenced secret
  cpln secret clone <ref>             Create a clone of the referenced secret  [aliases: copy]
  cpln secret create-aws              Create a new AWS secret
  cpln secret create-azure-connector  Create a new Azure Connector secret
  cpln secret create-azure-sdk        Create a new Azure SDK secret
  cpln secret create-dictionary       Create a new dictionary secret  [aliases: create-dict]
  cpln secret create-docker           Create a new Docker secret
  cpln secret create-ecr              Create a new ECR secret
  cpln secret create-gcp              Create a new GCP secret
  cpln secret create-keypair          Create a new KeyPair secret
  cpln secret create-nats             Create a new nats account secret
  cpln secret create-opaque           Create a new opaque secret
  cpln secret create-tls              Create a new TLS secret
  cpln secret create-userpass         Create a new Username/Password secret
  cpln secret delete <ref...>         Delete one or more referenced secrets
  cpln secret edit <ref>              Edit the referenced secret, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln secret eventlog <ref>          Show the event log of the referenced secret  [aliases: log]
  cpln secret get [ref...]            Retrieve one or more referenced secrets
  cpln secret patch <ref>             Update the referenced secret's metadata using an input file
  cpln secret permissions             Show the grantable permissions for a secret object type
  cpln secret query                   Find all the secrets based on the given query
  cpln secret reveal [ref]            Show the secret in plaintext
  cpln secret tag <ref...>            Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced secrets
  cpln secret update <ref>            Update properties of the referenced secret

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

secret Subcommands

secret access-report

Show the access report for the referenced secret


cpln secret access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

secret clone

Create a clone of the referenced secret


cpln secret clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

secret create-aws

Create a new AWS secret


cpln secret create-aws --name SECRET_NAME --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY --secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY [OPTIONS]

secret create-azure-connector

Create a new Azure Connector secret


cpln secret create-azure-connector --name SECRET_NAME --url DEPLOYMENT_URL --code FUNCTION_APP_CODE [OPTIONS]

secret create-azure-sdk

Create a new Azure SDK secret


cpln secret create-azure-sdk --name SECRET_NAME [OPTIONS]

secret create-dictionary

Create a new dictionary secret


cpln secret create-dictionary --name SECRET_NAME --entry KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

secret create-docker

Create a new Docker secret


cpln secret create-docker --name SECRET_NAME --file FILE_NAME

secret create-ecr

Create a new ECR secret


cpln secret create-ecr --name SECRET_NAME --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY --repo ECR_REPO [OPTIONS]

secret create-gcp

Create a new GCP secret


cpln secret create-gcp --name FILE_NAME --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

secret create-keypair

Create a new KeyPair secret


cpln secret create-keypair --name SECRET_NAME --secret PATH_TO_SECRET_KEY [OPTIONS]

secret create-nats

Create a new nats account secret


cpln secret create-nats --name SECRET_NAME --account-id ACCOUNT_ID --private-key PRIVATE_KEY [OPTIONS]

secret create-opaque

Create a new opaque secret


cpln secret create-opaque --name SECRET_NAME --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

secret create-tls

Create a new TLS secret


cpln secret create-tls --name SECRET_NAME --key PATH_TO_KEY --cert PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE [OPTIONS]

secret create-userpass

Create a new Username/Password secret


cpln secret create-userpass --name SECRET_NAME --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD [OPTIONS]

secret delete

Delete one or more referenced secrets


cpln secret delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

secret edit

Edit the referenced secret, as YAML, within an editor


cpln secret edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

secret eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced secret


cpln secret eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

secret get

Retrieve one or more referenced secrets


cpln secret get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

secret patch

Update the referenced secret’s metadata using an input file


cpln secret patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

secret permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a secret object type


cpln secret permissions [OPTIONS]

secret query

Find all the secrets based on the given query


cpln secret query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

secret reveal

Show the secret in plaintext


cpln secret reveal [ref] [OPTIONS]

secret tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced secrets


cpln secret tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

secret update

Update properties of the referenced secret


cpln secret update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage service accounts

For a detailed overview, please visit the service account’s reference page.

cpln serviceaccount [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln serviceaccount access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced service account
  cpln serviceaccount add-key <ref>        Add a key to the reference service account
  cpln serviceaccount clone <ref>          Create a clone of the referenced service account; this will only duplicate its spec.  [aliases: copy]
  cpln serviceaccount create               Create a new service account
  cpln serviceaccount delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced service accounts
  cpln serviceaccount edit <ref>           Edit the referenced service account, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln serviceaccount eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced service account  [aliases: log]
  cpln serviceaccount get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced service accounts
  cpln serviceaccount patch <ref>          Update the referenced service account's metadata using an input file
  cpln serviceaccount permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a service account object type
  cpln serviceaccount query                Find all the service accounts based on the given query
  cpln serviceaccount remove-key <ref>     Remove a key from the reference service account
  cpln serviceaccount tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced service accounts

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

serviceaccount Subcommands

serviceaccount access-report

Show the access report for the referenced service account


cpln serviceaccount access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount add-key

Add a key to the reference service account


cpln serviceaccount add-key <ref> --description KEY_DESCRIPTION [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount clone

Create a clone of the referenced service account; this will only duplicate its spec.


cpln serviceaccount clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount create

Create a new service account


cpln serviceaccount create --name SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount delete

Delete one or more referenced service accounts


cpln serviceaccount delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

Deleting a service account will remove all associated keys

serviceaccount edit

Edit the referenced service account, as YAML, within an editor


cpln serviceaccount edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

serviceaccount eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced service account


cpln serviceaccount eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount get

Retrieve one or more referenced service accounts


cpln serviceaccount get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

serviceaccount patch

Update the referenced service account’s metadata using an input file


cpln serviceaccount patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

serviceaccount permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a service account object type


cpln serviceaccount permissions [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount query

Find all the service accounts based on the given query


cpln serviceaccount query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount remove-key

Remove a key from the reference service account


cpln serviceaccount remove-key <ref> --key KEY_TO_REMOVE [OPTIONS]

serviceaccount tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced service accounts


cpln serviceaccount tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.


manage docker-compose files

Refer to the Compose Deploy guide for additional details.

cpln stack [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln stack deploy    deploy from a docker-compose file  [aliases: up]
  cpln stack manifest  Generate a CPLN apply file from a docker-compose file
  cpln stack rm        Delete objects from a docker-compose file  [aliases: down]

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

stack Subcommands

stack deploy

deploy from a docker-compose file

Refer to the compose deploy guide for more details.


cpln stack deploy [OPTIONS]

stack manifest

Generate a CPLN spec file from a compose project. Outputs result to stdout. Note: this command will build and push images to CPLN


cpln stack manifest [OPTIONS]

stack rm

Delete all resources generated from a docker compose project.


cpln stack rm [OPTIONS]


Manage pending tasks

cpln task [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln task complete <ref>     Complete the referenced task
  cpln task delete <ref...>    Delete one or more referenced tasks
  cpln task get [ref...]       Retrieve one or more referenced tasks
  cpln task get-mine [ref...]  Retrieve one or more referenced tasks for the current or overridden profile  [aliases: mine]
  cpln task permissions        Show the grantable permissions for a task object type
  cpln task query              Find all the tasks based on the given query

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

task Subcommands

task complete

Complete the referenced task


cpln task complete <ref> --answer {accept|reject} [OPTIONS]

task delete

Delete one or more referenced tasks


cpln task delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

task get

Retrieve one or more referenced tasks


cpln task get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

task get-mine

Retrieve one or more referenced tasks for the current or overridden profile


cpln task get-mine [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all tasks for the current or overridden profile

task permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a task object type


cpln task permissions [OPTIONS]

task query

Find all the tasks based on the given query


cpln task query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]


Manage users

For a detailed overview, please visit the user’s reference page.

cpln user [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln user access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced user
  cpln user delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced users
  cpln user edit <ref>           Edit the referenced user, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln user eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced user  [aliases: log]
  cpln user get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced users
  cpln user invite               Invite users to the current or overridden organization
  cpln user patch <ref>          Update the referenced user's metadata using an input file
  cpln user permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a user object type
  cpln user query                Find all the users based on the given query
  cpln user tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced users
  cpln user update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced user

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

user Subcommands

user access-report

Show the access report for the referenced user


cpln user access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

user delete

Delete one or more referenced users


cpln user delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

Deleting a user will remove all associated resources (permissions, group memberships, etc.)

user edit

Edit the referenced user, as YAML, within an editor


cpln user edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

user eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced user


cpln user eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

user get

Retrieve one or more referenced users


cpln user get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

user invite

Invite users to the current or overridden organization


cpln user invite --email EMAIL_ADDRESS [--group GROUP_NAME] [OPTIONS]

user patch

Update the referenced user’s metadata using an input file


cpln user patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

user permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a user object type


cpln user permissions [OPTIONS]

user query

Find all the users based on the given query


cpln user query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

user tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced users


cpln user tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

user update

Update properties of the referenced user


cpln user update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]


Manage a persistent volumeset within a global virtual cloud

For a detailed overview, please visit the volumeset’s reference page.

cpln volumeset [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln volumeset access-report <ref>  Show the access report for the referenced volume set
  cpln volumeset create               Create a new volume set
  cpln volumeset delete <ref...>      Delete one or more referenced volume sets
  cpln volumeset edit <ref>           Edit the referenced volume set, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln volumeset eventlog <ref>       Show the event log of the referenced volume set  [aliases: log]
  cpln volumeset expand <ref>         Expand the size of one or more volumes in the referenced volume set
  cpln volumeset get [ref...]         Retrieve one or more referenced volume sets
  cpln volumeset patch <ref>          Update the referenced volume set's metadata using an input file
  cpln volumeset permissions          Show the grantable permissions for a volume set object type
  cpln volumeset query                Find all the volume sets based on the given query
  cpln volumeset snapshot             Manage volume set snapshots
  cpln volumeset tag <ref...>         Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced volume sets
  cpln volumeset update <ref>         Update properties of the referenced volume set
  cpln volumeset volume               Manage volume set volumes

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

volumeset Subcommands

volumeset access-report

Show the access report for the referenced volume set


cpln volumeset access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset create

Create a new volume set


cpln volumeset create --name NAME [OPTIONS]

volumeset delete

Delete one or more referenced volume sets


cpln volumeset delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

volumeset edit

Edit the referenced volume set, as YAML, within an editor


cpln volumeset edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

volumeset eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced volume set


cpln volumeset eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset expand

Expand the size of one or more volumes in the referenced volume set


cpln volumeset expand <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset get

Retrieve one or more referenced volume sets


cpln volumeset get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

volumeset patch

Update the referenced volume set’s metadata using an input file


cpln volumeset patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

volumeset permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a volume set object type


cpln volumeset permissions [OPTIONS]

volumeset query

Find all the volume sets based on the given query


cpln volumeset query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

volumeset snapshot

Manage volume set snapshots

cpln volumeset snapshot [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln volumeset snapshot create <ref>   Create one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
  cpln volumeset snapshot delete <ref>   Delete one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
  cpln volumeset snapshot get <ref>      Retrieve one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
  cpln volumeset snapshot restore <ref>  Restore a snapshot to a volume

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

snapshot Subcommands

volumeset snapshot create

Create one or more snapshots by a volume set reference


cpln volumeset snapshot create <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset snapshot delete

Delete one or more snapshots by a volume set reference


cpln volumeset snapshot delete <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset snapshot get

Retrieve one or more snapshots by a volume set reference


cpln volumeset snapshot get <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset snapshot restore

Restore a snapshot to a volume


cpln volumeset snapshot restore <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced volume sets


cpln volumeset tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

volumeset update

Update properties of the referenced volume set


cpln volumeset update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]

volumeset volume

Manage volume set volumes

cpln volumeset volume [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln volumeset volume delete <ref>  Delete one or more volumes by a volume set reference
  cpln volumeset volume get <ref>     Retrieve one or more volumes by a volume set reference

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

volume Subcommands

volumeset volume delete

Delete one or more volumes by a volume set reference


cpln volumeset volume delete <ref> [OPTIONS]

volumeset volume get

Retrieve one or more volumes by a volume set reference


cpln volumeset volume get <ref> [OPTIONS]


Manage workloads within a global virtual cloud

For a detailed overview, please visit the workload’s reference page.

cpln workload [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln workload access-report <ref>          Show the access report for the referenced workload
  cpln workload clone <ref>                  Create a clone of the referenced workload; this will only duplicate its spec.  [aliases: copy]
  cpln workload connect <ref>                Connect to a replica of the workload
  cpln workload create                       Create a new workload
  cpln workload cron                         Manage cron workloads
  cpln workload delete <ref...>              Delete one or more referenced workloads
  cpln workload edit <ref>                   Edit the referenced workload, as YAML, within an editor
  cpln workload eventlog <ref>               Show the event log of the referenced workload  [aliases: log]
  cpln workload exec <ref>                   Exec a command on a replica of the workload
  cpln workload force-redeployment <ref...>  Force redeployment of the workload(s)
  cpln workload get [ref...]                 Retrieve one or more referenced workloads
  cpln workload get-deployments <ref>        Retrieve the current deployments of the referenced workload
  cpln workload get-replicas <ref>           Get the replicas of the referenced workload in a given location  [deprecated: This subcommand is deprecated, use 'replica get' instead.]
  cpln workload open <ref>                   Open the referenced workload's endpoint in your browser
  cpln workload patch <ref>                  Update the referenced workload's metadata using an input file
  cpln workload permissions                  Show the grantable permissions for a workload object type
  cpln workload query                        Find all the workloads based on the given query
  cpln workload replica                      Manage workload replicas
  cpln workload run                          Run a command with a workload instance
  cpln workload start <ref...>               Start the workload(s)
  cpln workload stop <ref...>                Stop the workload(s)
  cpln workload tag <ref...>                 Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced workloads
  cpln workload update <ref>                 Update properties of the referenced workload

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

workload Subcommands

workload access-report

Show the access report for the referenced workload


cpln workload access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload clone

Create a clone of the referenced workload; this will only duplicate its spec.


cpln workload clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]

workload connect

Connect to a replica of the workload

If multiple replicas are running, use the —replica flag to specify the replica. Use the subcommand get-replicas to view the current list of replicas.

Refer to the cpln workload connect guide for additional details.


cpln workload connect <ref> --location LOCATION [OPTIONS]

workload create

Create a new workload


cpln workload create --name WORKLOAD_NAME --image IMAGE_NAME [OPTIONS]

When creating a new workload and the image was pushed to your org’s private repository, use the image name shortcut //image/IMAGE_NAME.

For Example: cpln workload create --name WORKLOAD_NAME --image //image/IMAGE_NAME

workload cron

Manage cron workloads

cpln workload cron [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln workload cron get <ref>    Get a list of job executions for the referenced workload
  cpln workload cron start <ref>  Start a cron job

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

cron Subcommands

workload cron get

Get a list of job executions for the referenced workload


cpln workload cron get <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload cron start

Start a cron job


cpln workload cron start <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload delete

Delete one or more referenced workloads


cpln workload delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]

Deleting a workload will remove all associated resources (containers, etc.)

workload edit

Edit the referenced workload, as YAML, within an editor


cpln workload edit <ref> [OPTIONS]

The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.

workload eventlog

Show the event log of the referenced workload


cpln workload eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload exec

Exec a command on a replica of the workload.

Refer to the cpln workload exec guide for additional details.


cpln workload exec <ref> --location LOCATION -- COMMAND ARG1 ARG2 [OPTIONS]

workload force-redeployment

Force redeployment of the referenced workload(s).


cpln workload force-redeployment <ref...> [OPTIONS]

workload get

Retrieve one or more referenced workloads


cpln workload get [ref...] [OPTIONS]

An empty reference will return all references

workload get-deployments

Retrieve the current deployments of the referenced workload


cpln workload get-deployments <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload get-replicas

Get the replicas of the referenced workload in a given location


cpln workload get-replicas <ref> --location LOCATION [OPTIONS]

workload open

Open the referenced workload’s endpoint in your browser


cpln workload open <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload patch

Update the referenced workload’s metadata using an input file


cpln workload patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]

Running this command with the option --file - sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"} or description: My new description). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).

workload permissions

Show the grantable permissions for a workload object type


cpln workload permissions [OPTIONS]

workload query

Find all the workloads based on the given query


cpln workload query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]

workload replica

Manage workload replicas

cpln workload replica [SUBCOMMAND]
  cpln workload replica get <ref>   Get the replica of the referenced workload in a given location
  cpln workload replica stop <ref>  Stop the replica of the referenced workload in a given location

  --help  Show help  [boolean]

replica Subcommands

workload replica get

Get the replica of the referenced workload in a given location


cpln workload replica get <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload replica stop

Stop the replica of the referenced workload in a given location


cpln workload replica stop <ref> [OPTIONS]

workload run

Run a command with a workload instance.

Refer to the cpln workload run guide for additional details.

Most basic usage is cpln workload run -- ls -al.

This will create a new workload to execute the command, it uses an ubuntu base image.

Other examples are:

If you have a workload you want to reuse: cpln workload run --clone WORKLOAD_NAME -- ls -al

-- <command>: Must always be at the end.

Optional flags:

--rm: To clean up afterwards.

-i: To connect to the session.

--cpu and --mem: To override the default resources.

--location: To override the location. (By default the first location fetched from your gvc).


cpln workload run -- COMMAND [OPTIONS]

workload start

Start the workload(s)


cpln workload start <ref...> [OPTIONS]

workload stop

Stop the workload(s)


cpln workload stop <ref...> [OPTIONS]

workload tag

Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced workloads


cpln workload tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]

Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.

workload update

Update properties of the referenced workload


cpln workload update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]

Common Options

The options listed below are common to most of the subcommands.

Use the option --help on each subcommand to view the options available.


  • --name
    • Name of the resource being created
    • Type: string
  • --description or --desc
    • Description of the resource
    • If the description is not given, it will be the same as the name
    • Type: string
  • --tag
    • Add one or more tags to a resource
    • Type: string
    • Format: key=value
    • The syntax tag=value tries to guess the JSON type of the value, so true would be processed as a boolean. To force a string value, use —tag id:1234. This would result in the string 1234 recorded as the value.
    • Example: --tag environment=prod
  • --file or -f
    • Type: string
    • Use --file - to enable input from standard input
    • Used by the apply command and patch subcommand
  • --manage
    • Perform this command in the browser


  • --profile
    • Override the default profile
    • or use the command cpln profile set-default to set a default profile
    • or set the environment variable CPLN_PROFILE to set a default profile
  • --org
    • Override the default organization
    • or use the command cpln profile update to set a default organization
  • --gvc
    • Override the default global virtual cloud
    • or use the command cpln profile update to set a default global virtual cloud


  • --output or -o
    • Set the output format
    • Type: string
    • Available choices: text, json, and yaml
    • Default: text
    • If the output is truncated, use json or yaml to view the full response.
  • --color
    • Colorize the output
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true
    • Color is disabled if stdout is not a terminal
  • --ts
    • Format of timestamps
    • Type: string
    • Available choices: iso, local, and age
    • Only active when the output is set to text --output=text
  • --max
    • Maximum number of records to display
    • Type: number
    • Default: 0 (all records)
    • A value less than 1 will return all records


Used within the query subcommands:

  • --match
    • Query filter type
    • Type: string
    • Available choices: all, none, and any
    • Default: all
  • --property or --prop
    • Property to query
    • Type: string
    • Can be any resource property such as name or description
    • Example: --property name=demo-agent
  • --tag
    • Tag to query
    • Type: string
    • Can be any attached tag on a resource
    • Example: --tag environment=prod
  • --rel
    • Relation to query
    • Type: string


  • --token
    • Override the authorization token
    • Type: string
    • Default: The authorization token linked to the current profile
    • Hint: Use the command cpln profile token to obtain the token for the default or a specific profile
  • --endpoint
  • --insecure or -k
    • Type: boolean
    • Ignore TLS errors


  • --verbose or -v
    • Enable verbose output to standard error
  • --debug or -d
    • Display all HTTP communications to the API endpoint

Global Options


Display the CLI help menu


cpln --help


Display the CLI version


cpln --version