- Command Line Interface
- Configure Resources
- Observability
- Create Resources
- GitOps
- Image Management
External Logging
Kubernetes (Managed)
Bring your Own Kubernetes (BYOK)
- Overview
- Custom Settings
Terraform Provider
Kubernetes Operator
Command Line Interface
The Control Plane CLI (cpln) can be installed by using npm, homebrew or by downloading the specific binary package for the target operating system.
- Requires: Node.js version 12+
Execute the following command to install the CLI:
npm install -g @controlplane/cli
After installing the CLI, enabling autocomplete will help the user quickly iterate through the commands by entering the first few letters of a command and pressing the Tab key.
cpln misc install-completion
If you wish to enable auto-completion in the zsh
shell, make sure you have the following commands at the beginning of your ~/.zshrc
autoload -U compinit
Autocomplete workaround for users of Cygwin
After executing the cpln misc install-completion
- Copy the
file fromC:/Users/<username>/.config/tabtab/cpln.bash
- Edit or create a new
file atC:/cygwin64/home/<username>/.bashrc
- Add the following line to the
file:. C:/cygwin64/home/<username>/.config/tabtab/cpln.bash
The Control Plane CLI is executed by running:
The following commands are available (viewable by running cpln --help
cpln <command>
cpln account Manage accounts
cpln agent Manage agents
cpln apply Create or update a resource using an input file
cpln auditctx Manage audit contexts
cpln cloudaccount Manage cloud accounts
cpln convert Convert k8s files to cpln files
cpln cp <file-spec-src> <file-spec-dest> Allows you to copy files and directories to and from workloads [aliases: copy]
cpln delete Delete resources from files
cpln domain Manage custom domains
cpln group Manage groups
cpln gvc Manage global virtual clouds
cpln helm Manage helm releases on cpln
cpln identity Manage identities within a global virtual cloud [aliases: id]
cpln image Manage images and configure Docker login
cpln ipset Manage IP Sets
cpln location Manage locations [aliases: loc]
cpln login [ref] Create a profile named "default" and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process
cpln logs <query> Show logs
cpln misc Miscellaneous helper commands
cpln mk8s Manage an mk8s cluster
cpln operator A Kubernetes operator for Control Plane
cpln org Manage organizations
cpln policy Manage access policies
cpln port-forward <ref> <ports...> Forward one or more local ports to a workload
cpln profile Manage local profiles
cpln quota Show quotas
cpln rest Submit REST requests against the API
cpln secret Manage secrets
cpln serviceaccount Manage service accounts [aliases: sa]
cpln stack manage docker-compose files [aliases: compose]
cpln task Manage pending tasks
cpln user Manage users
cpln volumeset Manage a persistent volumeset within a global virtual cloud
cpln workload Manage workloads within a global virtual cloud [aliases: w]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
© 2025 Control Plane Corporation
Each command and associated subcommands are described below.
The referenced objects in the subcommands follow this pattern:
[ref]: Optional object
[ref…]: One or more optional objects
<ref>: Required object
<ref…>: One or more required objects
If the response from a command is truncated, use the following options to view the complete response:
- In JSON:
--output json
or-o json
- In YAML:
--output yaml
or-o yaml
Most of the commands require that the org and/or the GVC be referred to using the
and/or --gvc
In order to avoid entering these options for each command, the default profile can be updated to refer to a default org and/or GVC using the cpln profile update command.
Example: cpln profile update default --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-cpln-gvc
This command will update the default profile to use the demo-cpln-organization
org and the demo-cpln-gvc
GVC when executing a command that requires an org and/or GVC. The --org
and --gvc
will not longer be required.
Manage accounts
cpln account [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln account get [ref...] Get accounts by id or list accounts
--help Show help [boolean]
account Subcommands
account get
Get accounts by id or list accounts
cpln account get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Manage agents
For a detailed overview, please visit the agent’s reference page.
cpln agent [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln agent access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced agent
cpln agent create Create a new agent
cpln agent delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced agents
cpln agent edit <ref> Edit the referenced agent, as YAML, within an editor
cpln agent eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced agent [aliases: log]
cpln agent get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced agents
cpln agent info <ref> Get info about an agent
cpln agent manifest Generate a manifest for running an agent in K8S
cpln agent patch <ref> Update the referenced agent's metadata using an input file
cpln agent permissions Show the grantable permissions for an agent object type
cpln agent query Find all the agents based on the given query
cpln agent tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced agents
cpln agent up Run an agent within a local Docker instance
cpln agent update <ref> Update properties of the referenced agent
--help Show help [boolean]
agent Subcommands
agent access-report
Show the access report for the referenced agent
cpln agent access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent access-report demo-agent --org demo-cpln-organization
agent create
Create a new agent
cpln agent create --name AGENT_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the agent [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent create --name demo-agent --desc demo-agent --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
agent delete
Delete one or more referenced agents
cpln agent delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent delete demo-agent --org demo-cpln-organization
agent edit
Edit the referenced agent, as YAML, within an editor
cpln agent edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent edit demo-agent --org demo-cpln-organization
agent eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced agent
cpln agent eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent eventlog demo-agent --org demo-cpln-organization
agent get
Retrieve one or more referenced agents
cpln agent get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all agents
cpln agent get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one agent
cpln agent get demo-agent-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple agents
cpln agent get demo-agent-get-1 demo-agent-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
agent info
Get info about an agent
cpln agent info <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Return the details of a deployed agent. The example below was for an agent deployed at AWS.
cpln agent info demo-agent --org demo-cpln-organization
agent manifest
Generate a manifest for running an agent in K8S
cpln agent manifest --bootstrap-file FILE_NAME --namespace NAME_SPACE [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--bootstrap-file Path to the bootstrap config file [required]
--namespace, -n Namespace where the agent deployment(s) will live [required]
--image Advanced use: Use a different agent Docker image
--cluster Add metadata to agent's environment, useful to remind you which cluster an agent is running in
--replicas Number of agents deployments to create [default: 1]
--create-namespace Create the namespace [boolean] [default: true]
--help Show help [boolean]
agent patch
Update the referenced agent’s metadata using an input file
cpln agent patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent patch demo-agent --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
agent permissions
Show the grantable permissions for an agent object type
cpln agent permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
agent query
Find all the agents based on the given query
cpln agent query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for an agent based on the name property
cpln agent query --match any --prop name=demo-agent --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an agent based on the description property
cpln agent query --match any --prop description="demo-agent" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an agent based on a tag
cpln agent query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an agent based on a property and tag
cpln agent query --match any --prop description="demo-agent" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
agent tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced agents
cpln agent tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag
cpln agent tag demo-agent --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln agent tag demo-agent --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln agent tag demo-agent --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
agent up
Run an agent within a local Docker instance
cpln agent up --bootstrap-file FILE_NAME [--background] [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--bootstrap-file Path to the bootstrap config file [required]
--background, -b If set, run the agent as a background process [boolean]
--image Advanced use: Use a different agent Docker image
--net Docker network to use [default: "bridge"]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln agent up --bootstrap-file bootstrap.config --org demo-cpln-organization
agent update
Update properties of the referenced agent
cpln agent update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following agent properties:description
- Description of the agent
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the agent
- Type: string
- For the examples below, the initial agent is configured as:
|demo-agent-update |demo-agent-update |0 minutes ago | |
- Update an agent’s description
cpln agent update demo-agent-update --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update an agent’s tag
cpln agent update demo-agent-update --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization
Create or update a resource using an input file.
Refer to the cpln apply guide for additional details.
cpln apply [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load and use for the command. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
--k8s Set this true if input file is k8s config file [boolean]
--ready Set this true if apply should wait for objects to be ready before exiting [boolean]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
cpln apply --file action.json
Manage audit contexts
For a detailed overview, please visit the audit context’s reference page.
cpln auditctx [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln auditctx access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced audit context
cpln auditctx clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced audit context; this will only duplicate its spec. [aliases: copy]
cpln auditctx create Create a new audit context
cpln auditctx edit <ref> Edit the referenced audit context, as YAML, within an editor
cpln auditctx eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced audit context [aliases: log]
cpln auditctx get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced audit contexts
cpln auditctx patch <ref> Update the referenced audit context's metadata using an input file
cpln auditctx permissions Show the grantable permissions for an audit context object type
cpln auditctx query Find all the audit contexts based on the given query
cpln auditctx tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced audit contexts
cpln auditctx update <ref> Update properties of the referenced audit context
--help Show help [boolean]
auditctx Subcommands
auditctx access-report
Show the access report for the referenced audit context
cpln auditctx access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx access-report demo-audit-context --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx clone
Create a clone of the referenced audit context; this will only duplicate its spec.
cpln auditctx clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx clone demo-audit-context --name demo-audit-context-clone --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx create
Create a new audit context
cpln auditctx create --name NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new audit context [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx create --name demo-audit-context --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx edit
Edit the referenced audit context, as YAML, within an editor
cpln auditctx edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx edit demo-audit-context --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced audit context
cpln auditctx eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx eventlog demo-audit-context --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx get
Retrieve one or more referenced audit contexts
cpln auditctx get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all audit contexts
cpln auditctx get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one audit context
cpln auditctx get demo-audit-context --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple audit contexts
cpln auditctx get demo-audit-context cpln --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx patch
Update the referenced audit context’s metadata using an input file
cpln auditctx patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx patch demo-audit-context --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx permissions
Show the grantable permissions for an audit context object type
cpln auditctx permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln auditctx permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx query
Find all the audit contexts based on the given query
cpln auditctx query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for an audit context based on the name property
cpln auditctx query --match any --prop name=demo-audit-context --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an audit context based on the description property
cpln auditctx query --match any --prop description="demo-audit-context" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an audit context based on a tag
cpln auditctx query --match any --tag type=demo --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an audit context based on a property and tag
cpln auditctx query --match any --prop description="demo-audit-context" --tag type=demo --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced audit contexts
cpln auditctx tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag
cpln auditctx tag demo-audit-context --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln auditctx tag demo-audit-context --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln auditctx tag demo-audit-context --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
auditctx update
Update properties of the referenced audit context
cpln auditctx update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following audit context properties:description
- Description of the audit context
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the audit context
- Type: string
- For the examples below, the initial audit context is configured as:
|demo-audit-context |demo-audit-context |default |type="demo" |
- Update an audit context’s description
cpln auditctx update demo-audit-context --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update an audit context’s tag
cpln auditctx update demo-audit-context --set tags.type=updated --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage cloud accounts
For a detailed overview, please visit the cloud account’s reference page.
cpln cloudaccount [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln cloudaccount access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-aws Create an AWS cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-azure Create an Azure cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-gcp Create a GCP cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-ngs Create a NGS cloud account
cpln cloudaccount delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount edit <ref> Edit the referenced cloud account, as YAML, within an editor
cpln cloudaccount eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced cloud account [aliases: log]
cpln cloudaccount get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount patch <ref> Update the referenced cloud account's metadata using an input file
cpln cloudaccount permissions Show the grantable permissions for a cloud account object type
cpln cloudaccount query Find all the cloud accounts based on the given query
cpln cloudaccount tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced cloud accounts
--help Show help [boolean]
cloudaccount Subcommands
cloudaccount access-report
Show the access report for the referenced cloud account
cpln cloudaccount access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount access-report demo-cloud-account-aws --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount create-aws
Create an AWS cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-aws --name ACCOUNT_NAME --role-arn ROLE_ARN [OPTIONS]
By defining an AWS cloud account, you enable workloads to consume services from a specific AWS account.
The Control Plane CLI (cpln
) provides account-specific instructions for registering an AWS cloud account
with Control Plane. Simply execute cpln cloudaccount create-aws --how
to obtain step-by-step instructions.
The instructions emitted are specific to the organization for the currently logged-on cpln user.
To override the organization, pass the --org ORG_NAME
Command options:
--name Name of the new account
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--role-arn ARN of the role used by Control Plane to manage the account, in format `arn:aws:iam::<account number>:role/<name>`
--how Show the steps on how to create and configure your AWS account [boolean]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount create-aws --name demo-cloud-account-aws --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/cpln-demo-cpln-organization --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount create-azure
Create an Azure cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-azure --name ACCOUNT_NAME --secret AZURE_SECRET [OPTIONS]
By defining an Azure cloud account, you enable workloads to consume services from a specific Azure account. The Control Plane CLI (cpln
) provides account-specific instructions for registering an Azure cloud account with Control Plane. Simply execute cpln cloudaccount create-azure --how
to obtain step-by-step instructions. The instructions emitted are specific to the organization for the currently logged-on cpln user. To override the organization, pass the --org ORG_NAME
Command options:
--name Name of the new account
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--secret The name of the secret which will be created.
--url The URL of the deployed function app.
--code The URL of the deployed function app.
--how Show the steps on how to create and configure your Azure subscription [boolean]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount create-azure --name demo-cloud-account-azure --secret azure-secret --url https://function.app.url --code code --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount create-gcp
Create a GCP cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-gcp --name ACCOUNT_NAME --project-id PROJECT_ID [OPTIONS]
By defining a GCP cloud account, you enable workloads to consume services from a specific GCP account.
The Control Plane CLI (cpln
) provides account-specific instructions for registering a GCP cloud account
with Control Plane. Simply execute cpln cloudaccount create-gcp --how
to obtain step-by-step instructions.
The instructions emitted are specific to the organization for the currently logged-on cpln user.
To override the organization, pass the --org ORG_NAME
Command options:
--name Name of the new account
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--project-id The ID of the project that Control Plane will manage
--how Show the steps on how to create and configure your GCP project [boolean]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount create-gcp --name demo-cloud-account-gcp --project-id 1234abc --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount create-ngs
Create a NGS cloud account
cpln cloudaccount create-ngs --name ACCOUNT_NAME --secret SECRET_REFERENCE [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new account [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--secret The secret used to authenticate to NGS [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cloudaccount delete
Delete one or more referenced cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
Deleting a cloud account will not remove any configuration at the associated cloud provider
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount delete demo-cloud-account-aws --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount edit
Edit the referenced cloud account, as YAML, within an editor
cpln cloudaccount edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount edit demo-cloud-account-aws --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced cloud account
cpln cloudaccount eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount eventlog demo-cloud-account-aws --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount get
Retrieve one or more referenced cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one cloud account
cpln cloudaccount get demo-cloud-account-aws-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount get demo-cloud-account-aws-get-1 demo-cloud-account-aws-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount patch
Update the referenced cloud account’s metadata using an input file
cpln cloudaccount patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount patch demo-cloud-account-aws --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a cloud account object type
cpln cloudaccount permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln cloudaccount permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount query
Find all the cloud accounts based on the given query
cpln cloudaccount query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a cloud account based on the name property
cpln cloudaccount query --match any --prop name=demo-cloud-account-aws --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a cloud account based on the description property
cpln cloudaccount query --match any --prop description="demo-cloud-account-aws" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a cloud account based on a tag
cpln cloudaccount query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a cloud account based on a property and tag
cpln cloudaccount query --match any --prop description="demo-cloud-account-aws" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
cloudaccount tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a cloud account
cpln cloudaccount tag demo-cloud-account-azure --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln cloudaccount tag demo-cloud-account-azure --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln cloudaccount tag demo-cloud-account-azure --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple cloud accounts
cpln cloudaccount tag demo-cloud-account-azure demo-cloud-account-gcp --tag multiple-cloudaccounts=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple cloud accounts (after running the example above)
cpln cloudaccount tag demo-cloud-account-azure demo-cloud-account-gcp --tag multiple-cloudaccounts=demo-cloudaccount --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple cloud accounts (after running the example above)
cpln cloudaccount tag demo-cloud-account-azure demo-cloud-account-gcp --remove multiple-cloudaccounts --org demo-cpln-organization
Convert k8s files to cpln files
Refer to the cpln convert guide for additional details.
cpln convert [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load and use for the command. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
--protocol Protocol to use for all container ports [choices: "http", "http2", "grpc", "tcp"]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
Copy files and directories to and from workloads.
Refer to the cpln cp guide for additional details.
cpln cp <file-spec-src> <file-spec-dest> [OPTIONS]
file-spec-src A path to the source file or directory to copy from. Use a local path or workloadName:path for paths within a workload [string] [required]
file-spec-dest A path to the destination file or directory to copy to. Use a local path or workloadName:path for paths within a workload [string] [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--container, -c The name of the workload container
--replica The name of the workload deployment replica
--no-preserve The copied file/directory's ownership and permissions will not be preserved in the container [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
- Copy file from local machine to workload
cpln cp ./demo-file.txt demo-workload:path/within/workload/ --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
- Copy directory from local machine to workload
cpln cp ./demo-directory demo-workload:path/within/workload/ --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
- Copy file from workload to local machine
cpln cp demo-workload:path/within/workload/demo-file.txt ./demo-file.txt --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
- Copy directory from workload to local machine
cpln cp demo-workload:path/within/workload/demo-directory ./demo-directory --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
Delete resources from files
Refer to the cpln delete guide for additional details.
cpln delete [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load and use for the command. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
--k8s Set this true if input file is k8s config file [boolean]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
Manage custom domains
For a detailed overview, please visit the domain’s reference page.
cpln domain [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln domain access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced domain
cpln domain create Create a new domain
cpln domain delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced domains
cpln domain edit <ref> Edit the referenced domain, as YAML, within an editor
cpln domain eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced domain [aliases: log]
cpln domain get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced domains
cpln domain patch <ref> Update the referenced domain's metadata using an input file
cpln domain permissions Show the grantable permissions for a domain object type
cpln domain query Find all the domains based on the given query
cpln domain tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced domains
--help Show help [boolean]
domain Subcommands
domain access-report
Show the access report for the referenced domain
cpln domain access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
The domain demo.globalvirtualcloud.com
has already been added to the demo-cpln-organization
cpln domain access-report demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
domain create
Create a new domain
cpln domain create --name DOMAIN_NAME [OPTIONS]
Ownership of the referenced domain is required by setting a TXT DNS entry.
Please review the instructions here.
Command options:
--name Fully qualified domain name (e.g., widgets.example.com) [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln domain create --name demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
domain delete
Delete one or more referenced domains
cpln domain delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln domain delete demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
domain edit
Edit the referenced domain, as YAML, within an editor
cpln domain edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln domain edit demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
domain eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced domain
cpln domain eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln domain eventlog demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
domain get
Retrieve one or more referenced domains
cpln domain get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Show a domain
cpln domain get demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
- Show multiple domains
cpln domain get demo.globalvirtualcloud.com demo2.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
domain patch
Update the referenced domain’s metadata using an input file
cpln domain patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln domain patch demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
domain permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a domain object type
cpln domain permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln domain permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
domain query
Find all the domains based on the given query
cpln domain query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a domain based on the name property
cpln domain query --match any --prop name=demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a domain based on the description property
cpln domain query --match any --prop description="FQDN: demo.globalvirtualcloud.com" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a domain based on a tag
cpln domain query --match any --tag demo-domain="true" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a domain based on a property and tag
cpln domain query --match any --prop description="FQDN: demo.globalvirtualcloud.com" --tag demo-domain="true" --org demo-cpln-organization
domain tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced domains
cpln domain tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a domain
cpln domain tag demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln domain tag demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln domain tag demo.globalvirtualcloud.com --remove name --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple domain
cpln domain tag demo.globalvirtualcloud.com demo2.globalvirtualcloud.com --tag multiple-domains=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple domain (after running the example above)
cpln domain tag demo.globalvirtualcloud.com demo2.globalvirtualcloud.com --tag multiple-domains=demo-domain --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple domain (after running the example above)
cpln domain tag demo.globalvirtualcloud.com demo2.globalvirtualcloud.com --remove multiple-domains --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage groups
For a detailed overview, please visit the group’s reference page.
cpln group [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln group access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced group
cpln group add-member <ref> Add members to the referenced group
cpln group clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced group; this will only duplicate its spec. [aliases: copy]
cpln group create Create a new group
cpln group delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced groups
cpln group edit <ref> Edit the referenced group, as YAML, within an editor
cpln group eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced group [aliases: log]
cpln group get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced groups
cpln group patch <ref> Update the referenced group's metadata using an input file
cpln group permissions Show the grantable permissions for a group object type
cpln group query Find all the groups based on the given query
cpln group remove-member <ref> Remove members from the referenced group
cpln group tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced groups
cpln group update <ref> Update properties of the referenced group
--help Show help [boolean]
group Subcommands
group access-report
Show the access report for the referenced group
cpln group access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group access-report demo-group --org demo-cpln-organization
group add-member
Add members to the referenced group
cpln group add-member <ref> --email USER_EMAIL [OPTIONS]
cpln group add-member <ref> --serviceaccount SERVICE_ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--email Email of user to add
--serviceaccount Name of the service account to add
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a user to a group
cpln group add-member demo-group --email test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add a service account to a group using email
cpln group add-member demo-group --serviceaccount controlplane --org demo-cpln-organization
group clone
Create a clone of the referenced group; this will only duplicate its spec.
cpln group clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group clone demo-group --name demo-group-clone --org demo-cpln-organization
group create
Create a new group
cpln group create --name GROUP_NAME [OPTIONS]
After creating a new group, use the subcommand add-member to populate the group with users and/or service accounts.
Command options:
--name Name of the new group [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Query spec options:
--query-match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--query-property Property to query
--query-tag Tag to query
--query-rel Relation to query
--query-kind Kind to query [choices: "user"]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group create --name demo-group --desc demo-group --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
group delete
Delete one or more referenced groups
cpln group delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group delete demo-group --org demo-cpln-organization
group edit
Edit the referenced group, as YAML, within an editor
cpln group edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group edit demo-group --org demo-cpln-organization
group eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced group
cpln group eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group eventlog demo-group --org demo-cpln-organization
group get
Retrieve one or more referenced groups
cpln group get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all groups
cpln group get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one group
cpln group get demo-group-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple groups
cpln group get demo-group-get-1 demo-group-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
group patch
Update the referenced group’s metadata using an input file
cpln group patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group patch demo-group --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
group permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a group object type
cpln group permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln group permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
group query
Find all the groups based on the given query
cpln group query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a group based on the name property
cpln group query --match any --prop name=demo-group --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a group based on the description property
cpln group query --match any --prop description="demo-group" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a group based on a tag
cpln group query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a group based on a property and tag
cpln group query --match any --prop description="demo-group" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
group remove-member
Remove members from the referenced group
cpln group remove-member <ref> --email USER_EMAIL [OPTIONS]
cpln group remove-member <ref> --serviceaccount SERVICE_ACCOUNT [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--email Email of user to remove
--serviceaccount Name of the service account to remove
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
The user and service account referenced in the examples below were previously added to the group
- Remove a user to a group
cpln group remove-member demo-group --email test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove a service account to a group using email
cpln group remove-member demo-group --serviceaccount controlplane --org demo-cpln-organization
group tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced groups
cpln group tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a group
cpln group tag demo-group-tag-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln group tag demo-group-tag-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln group tag demo-group-tag-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple groups
cpln group tag demo-group-tag-1 demo-group-tag-2 --tag multiple-groups=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple groups (after running the example above)
cpln group tag demo-group-tag-1 demo-group-tag-2 --tag multiple-groups=demo-group --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple groups (after running the example above)
cpln group tag demo-group-tag-1 demo-group-tag-2 --remove multiple-groups --org demo-cpln-organization
group update
Update properties of the referenced group
cpln group update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string
memberLinks string[]
Arrays can be appended to, replaced, or removed using the `+=`, `=`, or `-=` operators, respectively. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following group properties:description
- Description of the group
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the group
- Type: string
- Array of links belonging to members of the group
- Type: string[]
- For the examples below, the initial group is configured as:
|demo-group-update |demo-group-update |0 minutes ago |links |default | |
- Update an group’s description
cpln group update demo-group-update --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update an group’s tags
cpln group update demo-group-update --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add to a group’s member links. This examples adds the built-in controlplane service account
cpln group update demo-group-update --set memberLinks+="/org/demo-cpln-organization/serviceaccount/controlplane" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove from a group’s member links. This examples removes the built-in controlplane service account
cpln group update demo-group-update --set memberLinks-="/org/demo-cpln-organization/serviceaccount/controlplane" --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage global virtual clouds
For a detailed overview, please visit the gvc’s reference page.
cpln gvc [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln gvc access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc add-location <ref> Add one or more locations to the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced global virtual cloud; this will only duplicate its spec. [aliases: copy]
cpln gvc create Create a new global virtual cloud
cpln gvc delete <ref...> Delete GVCs by name
cpln gvc delete-all-workloads <ref> Delete all workloads for the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc edit <ref> Edit the referenced global virtual cloud, as YAML, within an editor
cpln gvc eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced global virtual cloud [aliases: log]
cpln gvc get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced global virtual clouds
cpln gvc patch <ref> Update the referenced global virtual cloud's metadata using an input file
cpln gvc permissions Show the grantable permissions for a global virtual cloud object type
cpln gvc query Find all the global virtual clouds based on the given query
cpln gvc remove-location <ref> Remove one or more locations from the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced global virtual clouds
cpln gvc update <ref> Update properties of the referenced global virtual cloud
--help Show help [boolean]
gvc Subcommands
gvc access-report
Show the access report for the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Display the user / service account / group permissions for the ‘demo-gvc’ global virtual cloud within the ‘demo-cpln-organization’ organization
cpln gvc access-report demo-gvc --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc add-location
Add one or more locations to the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc add-location <ref...> --location {aws-eu-central-1|aws-us-west-2|azure-eastus2|gcp-us-east1} [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location Location to add [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
The gvc, named ‘demo-gvc’, in the examples below was already created with ‘aws-eu-central-1’ as one of its locations.
- Add one location to a global virtual cloud
cpln gvc add-location demo-gvc --location aws-us-west-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add multiple locations to a global virtual cloud
cpln gvc add-location demo-gvc --location aws-us-west-2 --location gcp-us-east1 --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc clone
Create a clone of the referenced global virtual cloud; this will only duplicate its spec.
cpln gvc clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln gvc clone demo-gvc --name demo-gvc-clone --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc create
Create a new global virtual cloud
cpln gvc create --name GVC_NAME --location {aws-eu-central-1|aws-us-west-2|azure-eastus2|gcp-us-east1} [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new global virtual cloud [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--location One or more locations to associate with this new global virtual cloud [required]
--env Environment variables in KEY=VALUE format
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Query spec options:
--query-match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--query-property Property to query
--query-tag Tag to query
--query-rel Relation to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Minimum Length: 3
- Maximum Length: 64
- Only lowercase characters
- Must begin with a character
- Allowed special characters: -
- Create an new GVC with a single location
cpln gvc create --name demo-gvc --location aws-eu-central-1 --desc demo-gvc --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc delete
Delete GVCs by name
cpln gvc delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
Deleting a gvc will remove all associated resources (workloads, etc.)
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--force Bypass warnings and/or safety checks [boolean]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Delete a gvc
cpln gvc delete demo-gvc-delete-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Delete multiple gvcs
cpln gvc delete demo-gvc-delete-1 demo-gvc-delete-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc delete-all-workloads
Delete all workloads for the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc delete-all-workloads <ref> [OPTIONS]
Deleting all the associated workloads will remove all associated resources (containers, etc.)
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Delete all workloads
cpln gvc delete-all-workloads demo-gvc-with-workloads --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc edit
Edit the referenced global virtual cloud, as YAML, within an editor
cpln gvc edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln gvc edit demo-gvc --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln gvc eventlog demo-gvc --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc get
Retrieve one or more referenced global virtual clouds
cpln gvc get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all gvcs
cpln gvc get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one gvc
cpln gvc get demo-gvc-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple gvcs
cpln gvc get demo-gvc-get-1 demo-gvc-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc patch
Update the referenced global virtual cloud’s metadata using an input file
cpln gvc patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln gvc patch demo-gvc --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a global virtual cloud object type
cpln gvc permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln gvc permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc query
Find all the global virtual clouds based on the given query
cpln gvc query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a gvc based on the name property
cpln gvc query --match any --prop name=demo-gvc --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a gvc based on the description property
cpln gvc query --match any --prop description="demo-gvc" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a gvc based on a tag
cpln gvc query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a gvc based on a property and tag
cpln gvc query --match any --prop description="demo-gvc" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc remove-location
Remove one or more locations from the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc remove-location <ref...> --location {aws-eu-central-1|aws-us-west-2|azure-eastus2|gcp-us-east1} [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location Location to remove [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
The gvc, named ‘demo-gvc-with-locations’, in the examples below was already created with four locations. A gvc must have at least one location.
- Remove one location from a global virtual cloud
cpln gvc remove-location demo-gvc-with-locations --location azure-eastus2 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove multiple locations from a global virtual cloud
cpln gvc remove-location demo-gvc-with-locations --location aws-us-west-2 --location aws-eu-central-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced global virtual clouds
cpln gvc tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a gvc
cpln gvc tag demo-gvc-tag-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln gvc tag demo-gvc-tag-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln gvc tag demo-gvc-tag-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple gvcs
cpln gvc tag demo-gvc-tag-1 demo-gvc-tag-2 --tag multiple-gvcs=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple gvcs (after running the example above)
cpln gvc tag demo-gvc-tag-1 demo-gvc-tag-2 --tag multiple-gvcs=demo-gvc --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple gvcs (after running the example above)
cpln gvc tag demo-gvc-tag-1 demo-gvc-tag-2 --remove multiple-gvcs --org demo-cpln-organization
gvc update
Update properties of the referenced global virtual cloud
cpln gvc update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string
spec.pullSecretLinks string[]
spec.staticPlacement.locationLinks string[]
spec.tracing.sampling number
spec.tracing.lightstep.endpoint string
spec.tracing.lightstep.credentials string[]
spec.env.<name>.value string
Arrays can be appended to, replaced, or removed using the `+=`, `=`, or `-=` operators, respectively. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following global virtual cloud properties:description
- Description of the global virtual cloud
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the global virtual cloud
- Type: string
- Array of pull secret links belonging to the global virtual cloud
- Type: string[]
- The domain linked to this global virtual cloud
- Type: string
- Array of location links belonging to the global virtual cloud
- Type: string[]
- For the examples below, the initial gvc is configured as:
|demo-gvc-update |demo-gvc-update |0 minutes ago |vcq3e829gvbf4 | |aws-eu-central-1 | |
- Update a gvc’s description
cpln gvc update demo-gvc-update --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update a gvc’s tag
cpln gvc update demo-gvc-update --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage helm releases on cpln
Refer to the cpln helm guide for additional details.
cpln helm [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln helm get Download extended information of a named release
cpln helm history <release> Fetch release history
cpln helm install [release] [chart] Install a release [aliases: apply]
cpln helm list List releases
cpln helm rollback <release> [revision] Roll back a release to a previous revision
cpln helm template [release] [chart] Generate cpln resources from a template
cpln helm uninstall <release> Uninstall a release [aliases: destroy, del, delete, un]
cpln helm upgrade [release] [chart] Upgrade a release [aliases: apply]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm Subcommands
helm get
Download extended information of a named release
cpln helm get [SUBCOMMAND]
An empty reference will return all references
cpln helm get manifest <release> Download the manifest for a named release
cpln helm get values <release> Download the values file for a named release
--help Show help [boolean]
get Subcommands
helm get manifest
Download the manifest for a named release
cpln helm get manifest <release> [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string] [required]
Command options:
--revision get the named release with revision [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm get values
Download the values file for a named release
cpln helm get values <release> [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string] [required]
Command options:
--all, -a dump all (computed) values [boolean]
--revision get the named release with revision [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm history
Fetch release history
cpln helm history <release> [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string] [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm install
Install a release
cpln helm install [release] [chart] [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string]
chart Path to chart [string]
Command options:
--wait If set, will wait until all Workloads are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout [boolean]
--timeout The amount of seconds to wait for workloads to be ready before timing out. Works only if the "wait" option is set to true. [number] [default: 300]
--set Set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set key1=val1 --set key2=val2)
--set-string Set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set-string key1=val1 --set-string key2=val2)
--set-file Set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set-file key1=path1 --set-file key2=path2)
--description, --desc Add a custom description [string]
--generate-name, -g Generate the name (and omit the NAME parameter) [boolean]
--post-renderer The path to an executable to be used for post rendering. If it exists in $PATH, the binary will be used, otherwise it will try to look for the executable at the given path [string]
--post-renderer-args An argument to the post-renderer (can specify multiple or separate values: --post-renderer-args arg1 --post-renderer-args arg2) (default []) [default: []]
--repo Chart repository url where to locate the requested chart [string]
--values, -f Specify values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple or separate values: --values value1.yaml --values values2.yaml) [string]
--verify Verify the package before using it [boolean]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm list
List releases
cpln helm list [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm rollback
Roll back a release to a previous revision
cpln helm rollback <release> [revision] [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string] [required]
revision Revision (version) number. If this argument is omitted or set to 0, it will roll back to the previous release. To see revision numbers, run 'cpln helm history RELEASE'. [string]
Command options:
--cleanup-on-fail allow deletion of new resources created in this rollback when rollback fails [boolean] [default: false]
--wait If set, will wait until all Workloads are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout [boolean]
--timeout The amount of seconds to wait for workloads to be ready before timing out. Works only if the "wait" option is set to true. [number] [default: 300]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm template
Generate cpln resources from a template
cpln helm template [release] [chart] [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string]
chart Path to chart [string]
Command options:
--set Set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set key1=val1 --set key2=val2)
--set-string Set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set-string key1=val1 --set-string key2=val2)
--set-file Set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set-file key1=path1 --set-file key2=path2)
--description, --desc Add a custom description [string]
--generate-name, -g Generate the name (and omit the NAME parameter) [boolean]
--post-renderer The path to an executable to be used for post rendering. If it exists in $PATH, the binary will be used, otherwise it will try to look for the executable at the given path [string]
--post-renderer-args An argument to the post-renderer (can specify multiple or separate values: --post-renderer-args arg1 --post-renderer-args arg2) (default []) [default: []]
--repo Chart repository url where to locate the requested chart [string]
--values, -f Specify values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple or separate values: --values value1.yaml --values values2.yaml) [string]
--verify Verify the package before using it [boolean]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm uninstall
Uninstall a release
cpln helm uninstall <release> [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string] [required]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
helm upgrade
Upgrade a release
cpln helm upgrade [release] [chart] [OPTIONS]
release The release name [string]
chart Path to chart [string]
Command options:
--wait If set, will wait until all Workloads are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout [boolean]
--timeout The amount of seconds to wait for workloads to be ready before timing out. Works only if the "wait" option is set to true. [number] [default: 300]
--set Set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set key1=val1 --set key2=val2)
--set-string Set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set-string key1=val1 --set-string key2=val2)
--set-file Set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values: --set-file key1=path1 --set-file key2=path2)
--description, --desc Add a custom description [string]
--generate-name, -g Generate the name (and omit the NAME parameter) [boolean]
--post-renderer The path to an executable to be used for post rendering. If it exists in $PATH, the binary will be used, otherwise it will try to look for the executable at the given path [string]
--post-renderer-args An argument to the post-renderer (can specify multiple or separate values: --post-renderer-args arg1 --post-renderer-args arg2) (default []) [default: []]
--repo Chart repository url where to locate the requested chart [string]
--values, -f Specify values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple or separate values: --values value1.yaml --values values2.yaml) [string]
--verify Verify the package before using it [boolean]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Manage identities within a global virtual cloud
For a detailed overview, please visit the identity’s reference page.
cpln identity [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln identity access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced identity
cpln identity create Create a new identity
cpln identity delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced identities
cpln identity edit <ref> Edit the referenced identity, as YAML, within an editor
cpln identity eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced identity [aliases: log]
cpln identity get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced identities
cpln identity patch <ref> Update the referenced identity's metadata using an input file
cpln identity permissions Show the grantable permissions for an identity object type
cpln identity query Find all the identities based on the given query
cpln identity tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced identities
cpln identity update <ref> Update properties of the referenced identity
--help Show help [boolean]
identity Subcommands
identity access-report
Show the access report for the referenced identity
cpln identity access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity access-report demo-identity --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity create
Create a new identity
cpln identity create --name IDENTITY_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new identity [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity create --name demo-identity --desc demo-identity --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity delete
Delete one or more referenced identities
cpln identity delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity delete demo-identity --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity edit
Edit the referenced identity, as YAML, within an editor
cpln identity edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity edit demo-identity --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced identity
cpln identity eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity eventlog demo-identity --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity get
Retrieve one or more referenced identities
cpln identity get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Command options:
--all-gvcs Show identities from all gvcs in the org [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all identities
cpln identity get --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Get one identity
cpln identity get demo-identity-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Get multiple identities
cpln identity get demo-identity-get-1 demo-identity-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity patch
Update the referenced identity’s metadata using an input file
cpln identity patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity patch demo-identity --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity permissions
Show the grantable permissions for an identity object type
cpln identity permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln identity permissions --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity query
Find all the identities based on the given query
cpln identity query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for an identity based on the name property
cpln identity query --match any --prop name=demo-identity --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Search for an identity based on the description property
cpln identity query --match any --prop description="demo-identity" --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Search for an identity based on a tag
cpln identity query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Search for an identity based on a property and tag
cpln identity query --match any --prop description="demo-identity" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced identities
cpln identity tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag
cpln identity tag demo-identity --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln identity tag demo-identity --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln identity tag demo-identity --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
identity update
Update properties of the referenced identity
cpln identity update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following identity properties:description
- Description of the identity
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the identity
- Type: string
- For the examples below, the initial identity is configured as:
|demo-identity-update |demo-identity-update |demo-gvc-identity |cpln-demo-cpln-organi-y2ffk9wg |0 minutes ago | | |
- Update an identity’s description
cpln identity update demo-identity-update --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
- Update an identity’s tag
cpln identity update demo-identity-update --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-identity
Manage images and configure Docker login
For a detailed overview, please visit the image’s reference page.
cpln image [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln image access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced image
cpln image build Build and containerize an application into an image. If using buildpacks, everything after -- will be passed down to the pack executable.
cpln image copy <ref> Copy an image from one org to another. This will make sure that docker-login has been run against the source and destination org, then will pull, tag and push the image to the destination org.
cpln image delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced images
cpln image docker-login Perform a Docker login to the organization's private registry
cpln image edit <ref> Edit the referenced image, as YAML, within an editor
cpln image get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced images
cpln image patch <ref> Update the referenced image's metadata using an input file
cpln image permissions Show the grantable permissions for an image object type
cpln image query Find all the images based on the given query
cpln image tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced images
--help Show help [boolean]
image Subcommands
image access-report
Show the access report for the referenced image
cpln image access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image access-report demo-image:1 --org demo-cpln-organization
image build
Build and containerize an application into an image. If using buildpacks, everything after — will be passed down to the pack executable.
cpln image build --name IMAGE_NAME:TAG [OPTIONS]
To push an image using this command, the docker-credential-cpln executable must be installed if the CLI was not installed using npm.
The option --builder
accepts any trusted buildpacks builder.
The default buildpack is heroku/buildpacks:18
Docker is required to be installed.
Command options:
--name, -n Name and tag for the image [required]
--dockerfile Path to Dockerfile (e.g.: PATH/Dockerfile). If set, the builder option is not used
--builder Buildpack package to use, for example heroku/builder:22, gcr.io/buildpacks/builder:v1, paketobuildpacks/builder:base, etc. [default: "heroku/builder:22"]
--dir Directory containing the application [default: "."]
--no-cache Builds the image without using any cached layers. [boolean] [default: false]
--push Push the new image to the org's private registry [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image build demo-image:1 --push demo-cpln-organization -- --env CPLN_IMAGE_BUILD=true
image copy
Copy an image from one org to another. This will make sure that docker-login has been run against the source and destination org, then will pull, tag and push the image to the destination org.
cpln image copy <ref> --to-name IMAGE:TAG --to-org TARGET_ORG --to-profile TARGET_ORG_PROFILE [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--to-name Name and tag for the image
--to-org Target org to copy the image to
--to-profile Profile to use for accessing the "to-org" argument
--cleanup Cleans up the pulled and retagged image [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Copying image between orgs within the same profile
cpln image copy SOURCE_IMAGE:TAG --to-name TARGET_IMAGE:NEW_TAG --to-org TARGET_ORG
The profile service principal (user/service account) must have the proper permissions to pull/push images in the current and target org.
- Copying image between orgs using different profiles
cpln image copy SOURCE_IMAGE:TAG --to-name TARGET_IMAGE:NEW_TAG --to-org TARGET_ORG --to-profile TARGET_ORG_PROFILE
This command will copy an image from the current org to the target org.
The current profile service principal (user/service account) must have the proper permissions to pull images in the current org (default profile).
The referenced —to-profile service principal (user/service account) must have the proper permissions to push images to the target org.
This command allows the copying of images between different orgs using user or service account profiles.
image delete
Delete one or more referenced images
cpln image delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image delete demo-image:1 --org demo-cpln-organization
image docker-login
Perform a Docker login to the organization’s private registry
cpln image docker-login [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--ignore-output Ignore the output of this command.
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image docker-login demo-image:1 --org demo-cpln-organization
image edit
Edit the referenced image, as YAML, within an editor
cpln image edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image edit demo-image:1 --org demo-cpln-organization
image get
Retrieve one or more referenced images
cpln image get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all images
cpln image get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one image
cpln image get demo-image:1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple images
cpln image get demo-image:1 demo-image:2 --org demo-cpln-organization
image patch
Update the referenced image’s metadata using an input file
cpln image patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image patch demo-image:1 --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
image permissions
Show the grantable permissions for an image object type
cpln image permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln image permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
image query
Find all the images based on the given query
cpln image query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for an image based on the name property
cpln image query --match any --prop name=demo-image:1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an image based on the description property
cpln image query --match any --prop tag="2" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an image based on a tag
cpln image query --match any --tag description="Demo Image #1" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an image based on a property and tag
cpln image query --match any --prop name="demo-image" --tag description="Demo Image #1" --org demo-cpln-organization
image tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced images
cpln image tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag
cpln image tag demo-image:1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln image tag demo-image:1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln image tag demo-image:1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage locations
For a detailed overview, please visit the location’s reference page.
cpln location [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln location access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced location
cpln location create Create a new BYOK location
cpln location delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced locations
cpln location edit <ref> Edit the referenced location, as YAML, within an editor
cpln location get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced locations
cpln location install <ref> Get instructions for obtaining the installation script for a BYOK location
cpln location patch <ref> Update the referenced locations's metadata using an input file
cpln location permissions Show the grantable permissions for a location object type
cpln location query Find all the locations based on the given query
cpln location tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced locations
cpln location uninstall <ref> Get instructions for obtaining the uninstallation script for a BYOK location
--help Show help [boolean]
location Subcommands
location access-report
Show the access report for the referenced location
cpln location access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln location access-report aws-eu-central-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
location create
Create a new BYOK location
cpln location create --name NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new BYOK location [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Create a new BYOK location.
cpln location create --name demo-byok-location --org demo-cpln-organization
location delete
Delete one or more referenced locations
cpln location delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Delete a BYOK location.
cpln location delete demo-byok-location-tbd --org demo-cpln-organization
location edit
Edit the referenced location, as YAML, within an editor
cpln location edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln location edit aws-eu-central-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
location get
Retrieve one or more referenced locations
cpln location get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all locations
cpln location get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one location
cpln location get aws-eu-central-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple locations
cpln location get gcp-us-east1 --org demo-cpln-organization
location install
Get instructions for obtaining the installation script for a BYOK location
cpln location install <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Obtain instructions to install a BYOK location.
cpln location install demo-byok-location --org demo-cpln-organization
location patch
Update the referenced locations’s metadata using an input file
cpln location patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln location patch aws-eu-central-1 --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
location permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a location object type
cpln location permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln location permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
location query
Find all the locations based on the given query
cpln location query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a location based on the name property
cpln location query --match any --prop name=aws-eu-central-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a location based on the description property
cpln location query --match any --prop description="Azure, East US 2" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a location based on a tag
cpln location query --match any --tag cpln/city="Frankfurt" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a location based on a property and tag
cpln location query --match any --prop description="Azure, East US 2" --tag cpln/city="Frankfurt" --org demo-cpln-organization
location tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced locations
cpln location tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a location
cpln location tag aws-eu-central-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln location tag aws-eu-central-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln location tag aws-eu-central-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple locations
cpln location tag aws-eu-central-1 azure-eastus2 --tag multiple-locations=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple locations (after running the example above)
cpln location tag aws-eu-central-1 azure-eastus2 --tag multiple-locations=demo-location --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple locations (after running the example above)
cpln location tag aws-eu-central-1 azure-eastus2 --remove multiple-locations --org demo-cpln-organization
location uninstall
Get instructions for obtaining the uninstallation script for a BYOK location
cpln location uninstall <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Obtain instructions to uninstall a BYOK location.
cpln location uninstall demo-byok-location --org demo-cpln-organization
Create a profile named “default” and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process
cpln login [ref] [OPTIONS]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource.
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
cpln login
Show logs
For a detailed overview, please visit the logs’ reference page.
cpln logs <query> [OPTIONS]
The <query>
positional requires a valid LogQL string enclosed within single quotes.
Available query labels: gvc
, workload
, container
, location
, provider
, replica
, stream
Command options:
--tail, -t, -f Tail the logs (follow) [boolean]
--limit Limit on number of entries to show [default: "30"]
--delay-for Delay in tailing by number of seconds to accumulate logs for re-ordering [number] [default: "0"]
--since Lookback window [default: "1h"]
--from Start looking for logs at this absolute time (inclusive)
--to Stop looking for logs at this absolute time (exclusive)
--output, -o Specify output mode. raw suppresses log labels and timestamp [choices: "default", "raw", "jsonl"] [default: "default"]
--direction Sort order of logs [choices: "forward", "backward"] [default: "forward"]
query LogQL query [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
cpln logs '{gvc="demo-gvc-logs",workload="demo-workload-logs"}'
cpln logs '{provider="aws"}'
Miscellaneous helper commands
cpln misc [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln misc install-completion Install shell completion to your local profile
cpln misc uninstall-completion Uninstall shell completion from your local profile
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
misc Subcommands
misc install-completion
Install shell completion to your local profile
cpln misc install-completion [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--batch Non-interactive (batch) mode [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
cpln misc install-completion
misc uninstall-completion
Uninstall shell completion from your local profile
cpln misc uninstall-completion [OPTIONS]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
cpln misc uninstall-completion
Manage an mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln mk8s access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced mk8s cluster; this will only duplicate its spec. [aliases: copy]
cpln mk8s dashboard <ref> Open the k8s dashboard for an mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced mk8s clusters
cpln mk8s edit <ref> Edit the referenced mk8s cluster, as YAML, within an editor
cpln mk8s eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced mk8s cluster [aliases: log]
cpln mk8s get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s join <ref> Join compute nodes to a cluster
cpln mk8s kubeconfig <ref> Create a kubeconfig for a cluster.
cpln mk8s patch <ref> Update the referenced mk8s cluster's metadata using an input file
cpln mk8s permissions Show the grantable permissions for an mk8s cluster object type
cpln mk8s query Find all the mk8s clusters based on the given query
cpln mk8s tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced mk8s clusters
cpln mk8s update <ref> Update properties of the referenced mk8s cluster
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s Subcommands
mk8s access-report
Show the access report for the referenced mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s clone
Create a clone of the referenced mk8s cluster; this will only duplicate its spec.
cpln mk8s clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s dashboard
Open the k8s dashboard for an mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s dashboard <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s delete
Delete one or more referenced mk8s clusters
cpln mk8s delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s edit
Edit the referenced mk8s cluster, as YAML, within an editor
cpln mk8s edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s get
Retrieve one or more referenced mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s join
Join compute nodes to a cluster
cpln mk8s join <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Command options:
--type Type of join configuration to produce:
* cloud-init: produces a cloud-init script suitable for cloud deployments.
* join-script: results in a simple script that can be evaluated as root on a node [required] [choices: "cloud-init", "join-script"]
--options Some providers support extra options (e.g., --options nodepool=ingress)
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s kubeconfig
Create a kubeconfig for a cluster.
cpln mk8s kubeconfig <ref> [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--file, -f file to save kubeconfig to, default is $KUBECONFIG if set, otherwise ~/.kube/config. Use `--file -` to dump to stdout. New kubeconfig will be merged into the existing one
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s patch
Update the referenced mk8s cluster’s metadata using an input file
cpln mk8s patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s permissions
Show the grantable permissions for an mk8s cluster object type
cpln mk8s permissions [OPTIONS]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s query
Find all the mk8s clusters based on the given query
cpln mk8s query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced mk8s clusters
cpln mk8s tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
mk8s update
Update properties of the referenced mk8s cluster
cpln mk8s update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string
spec.version string [required]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
A Kubernetes operator for Control Plane
Refer to the cpln operator guide for additional details.
cpln operator [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln operator install Install the Kubernetes operator to your cluster
cpln operator uninstall Uninstall the Kubernetes operator from your cluster
--help Show help [boolean]
operator Subcommands
operator install
Install the Kubernetes operator to your cluster
cpln operator install [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--serviceaccount, -s The service account name for the operator. If the service account does not exist, a new one will be created [required]
--serviceaccount-group, -g The group to assign to the service account if it will be created. [default: "superusers"]
--export Export the Kubernetes resources to a file instead of applying them to the cluster. [boolean]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
operator uninstall
Uninstall the Kubernetes operator from your cluster
cpln operator uninstall [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Manage organizations
For a detailed overview, please visit the org’s reference page.
cpln org [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln org access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced organization
cpln org create Create a new organization
cpln org edit <ref> Edit the referenced organization, as YAML, within an editor
cpln org eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced organization [aliases: log]
cpln org get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced organizations
cpln org patch <ref> Update the referenced organization's metadata using an input file
cpln org permissions Show the grantable permissions for an organization object type
cpln org query Find all the organizations based on the given query
cpln org tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced organizations
cpln org update <ref> Update properties of the referenced organization
--help Show help [boolean]
org Subcommands
org access-report
Show the access report for the referenced organization
cpln org access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln org access-report demo-cpln-organization
org create
Create a new organization
cpln org create --name ORG_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--accountId Id of the billing account [required]
--name Name of the new organization [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--invitee Emails of users to invite to the org as superuser(admin) [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Minimum Length: 3
- Maximum Length: 64
- Only lowercase characters
- Must begin with a character
- Allowed special characters: -
cpln org create --name demo-cpln-organization --acountId ACCOUNT_ID --invitee EMAIL
org edit
Edit the referenced organization, as YAML, within an editor
cpln org edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln org edit demo-cpln-organization
org eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced organization
cpln org eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln org eventlog demo-cpln-organization
org get
Retrieve one or more referenced organizations
cpln org get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all organizations
cpln org get
- Get one organization
cpln org get demo-cpln-organization
org patch
Update the referenced organization’s metadata using an input file
cpln org patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln org patch demo-cpln-organization --file update.json
org permissions
Show the grantable permissions for an organization object type
cpln org permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln org permissions
org query
Find all the organizations based on the given query
cpln org query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for an organization based on the name property
cpln org query --match any --prop name=demo-cpln-organization
- Search for an organization based on the description property
cpln org query --match any --prop description="Demo Organization"
- Search for an organization based on a tag
cpln org query --match any --tag type=demo
- Search for an organization based on a property and tag
cpln org query --match any --prop description="Demo Organization" --tag type=demo
org tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced organizations
cpln org tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag
cpln org tag demo-cpln-organization --tag drink=water
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln org tag demo-cpln-organization --tag drink=coffee
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln org tag demo-cpln-organization --remove drink
org update
Update properties of the referenced organization
cpln org update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following organization properties:description
- Description of the organization
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the organization
- Type: string
- For the examples below, the initial organization is configured as:
|demo-cpln-organization |Demo Organization |/org/demo-cpln-organization |demo-key="demo-value" |
| | | |type="demo" |
- Update an organization’s description
cpln org update demo-cpln-organization --set description="new description"
- Update an organization’s tag
cpln org update demo-cpln-organization --set tags.demo-key=demo-value
Manage access policies
For a detailed overview, please visit the policy’s reference page.
cpln policy [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln policy access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced policy
cpln policy add-binding <ref> Bind one or more permissions to the referenced policy and associate it with one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities
cpln policy clone <ref> Clone a policy [aliases: copy]
cpln policy create Create a new policy
cpln policy delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced policies
cpln policy edit <ref> Edit the referenced policy, as YAML, within an editor
cpln policy eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced policy [aliases: log]
cpln policy get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced policies
cpln policy patch <ref> Update the referenced policy's metadata using an input file
cpln policy permissions Show the grantable permissions for a policy object type
cpln policy query Find all the policies based on the given query
cpln policy remove-binding <ref> Remove the bindings of one or more permissions from the referenced policy and disassociate it from one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities
cpln policy tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced policies
cpln policy update <ref> Update properties of the referenced policy
--help Show help [boolean]
policy Subcommands
policy access-report
Show the access report for the referenced policy
cpln policy access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy access-report demo-policy --org demo-cpln-organization
policy add-binding
Bind one or more permissions to the referenced policy and associate it with one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities
cpln policy add-binding <ref> --permission PERMISSION_NAME COMMAND_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--email User email to add permission
--serviceaccount Service account name to add permission
--group Group name to add permission
--identity Identity name OR link to add permission
--permission Permission to add [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Bind the view permission to the referenced policy named `demo-policy-add-binding` and associate it with the built-in controlplane service account
cpln policy add-binding demo-policy --permission view --serviceaccount controlplane --org demo-cpln-organization
policy clone
Clone a policy
cpln policy clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy clone demo-policy --name demo-policy-clone --org demo-cpln-organization
policy create
Create a new policy
cpln policy create --name POLICY_NAME --target-king TARGET [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new policy, type - to generate a valid name [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--target-kind Select a target kind for this policy [required] [choices: "account", "agent", "auditctx", "cloudaccount", "domain", "dbcluster", "group", "gvc", "identity", "image", "location", "memcachecluster", "org", "policy", "quota", "secret", "serviceaccount", "spicedbcluster", "task", "user", "volumeset", "workload"]
--all Apply policy to all instances of the kind [boolean]
--resource Enumerate resource names to add to the policy
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Query spec options:
--query-match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--query-property Property to query
--query-tag Tag to query
--query-rel Relation to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy create --name demo-policy --target-kind org --all --desc demo-policy --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
policy delete
Delete one or more referenced policies
cpln policy delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
Deleting a policy will remove all associated resources (targets, bindings, etc.)
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy delete demo-policy --org demo-cpln-organization
policy edit
Edit the referenced policy, as YAML, within an editor
cpln policy edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy edit demo-policy --org demo-cpln-organization
policy eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced policy
cpln policy eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy eventlog demo-policy --org demo-cpln-organization
policy get
Retrieve one or more referenced policies
cpln policy get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all policies
cpln policy get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one policy
cpln policy get demo-policy-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple policies
cpln policy get demo-policy-get-1 demo-policy-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
policy patch
Update the referenced policy’s metadata using an input file
cpln policy patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy patch demo-policy --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
policy permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a policy object type
cpln policy permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln policy permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
policy query
Find all the policies based on the given query
cpln policy query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a policy based on the name property
cpln policy query --match any --prop name=demo-policy --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a policy based on the description property
cpln policy query --match any --prop description="demo-policy" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a policy based on a tag
cpln policy query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a policy based on a property and tag
cpln policy query --match any --prop description="demo-policy" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
policy remove-binding
Remove the bindings of one or more permissions from the referenced policy and disassociate it from one or more users / service accounts / groups / identities
cpln policy remove-binding <ref> --permission PERMISSION_NAME COMMAND_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--email User email to remove permission
--serviceaccount Service account name to remove permission
--group Group name to remove permission
--identity Identity name OR link to remove permission
--permission Permission to remove [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Remove the binding of the view permission from the policy named
and disassociate it with the built-in controlplane service account.
cpln policy remove-binding demo-policy --permission manage --serviceaccount controlplane --org demo-cpln-organization
policy tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced policies
cpln policy tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a policy
cpln policy tag demo-policy-tag-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln policy tag demo-policy-tag-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln policy tag demo-policy-tag-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple policies
cpln policy tag demo-policy-tag-1 demo-policy-tag-2 --tag multiple-policies=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple policies (after running the example above)
cpln policy tag demo-policy-tag-1 demo-policy-tag-2 --tag multiple-policies=demo-policy --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple policies (after running the example above)
cpln policy tag demo-policy-tag-1 demo-policy-tag-2 --remove multiple-policies --org demo-cpln-organization
policy update
Update properties of the referenced policy
cpln policy update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string
targetLinks string[]
target { 'all' }
Arrays can be appended to, replaced, or removed using the `+=`, `=`, or `-=` operators, respectively. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following policy properties:description
- Description of the policy
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the policy
- Type: string
- Array of target links belonging to the policy
- Type: string
- The target of the policy
- Type: string
- Allowed values: ‘all’
- For the examples below, the initial policy is configured as:
|demo-policy |demo-policy |0 minutes ago |org |all |default |drink="water" |
- Update a policy’s description
cpln policy update demo-policy --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update a policy’s tags
cpln policy update demo-policy --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add to a policy’s target links.
cpln policy update demo-policy --set targetLinks+="/org/demo-cpln-organization/gvc/demo-gvc-policy" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove from a policy’s target links.
cpln policy update demo-policy --set targetLinks-="/org/demo-cpln-organization/gvc/demo-gvc-policy" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update a policy’s target to all
cpln policy update demo-policy --set target=all --org demo-cpln-organization
Establish secure local access to your workload.
Refer to the cpln port-forward guide for additional details.
cpln port-forward <ref> <ports...> [OPTIONS]
ref The name of the workload to forward traffic to. [string] [required]
ports Port mappings in the format [LOCAL_PORT:]REMOTE_PORT (e.g. 8080:80). [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--address Addresses to listen on (comma separated). Only accepts IP addresses or localhost as a value. When localhost is supplied, cpln will try to bind on both and ::1 and will fail if neither of these addresses are available to bind. [default: "localhost"]
--replica The name of the workload deployment replica
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
- Forward a single port from workload to local machine
cpln port-forward db-workload 5432:5432 --location aws-us-west-1 --org demo-org --gvc demo-gvc
- Forward multiple ports from workload to local machine
cpln port-forward db-workload 8080:80 8443:443 --location aws-us-west-1 --org demo-org --gvc demo-gvc
- Forward workload ports to multiple addresses
cpln port-forward db-workload 5432:5432 --address, --location aws-us-west-1 --org demo-org --gvc demo-gvc
- Assign an ephemeral local port
cpln port-forward db-workload :80 --location aws-us-west-1 --org demo-org --gvc demo-gvc
- Assign the same local and remote port
cpln port-forward db-workload 80 --location aws-us-west-1 --org demo-org --gvc demo-gvc
Manage local profiles
For a detailed overview, please visit the manage CLI profiles guide.
cpln profile [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln profile delete <profiles...> Delete one or more referenced profiles
cpln profile get [profiles...] Retrieve one or more profiles
cpln profile login [ref] Create a profile named "default" and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process
cpln profile set-default <profile> Set the referenced profile as the default
cpln profile token [profile] Show the JWT token of the referenced profile
cpln profile update <profile> Manage the referenced profile [aliases: create]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
profile Subcommands
profile delete
Delete one or more referenced profiles
cpln profile delete <profiles...> [OPTIONS]
profile One or more profile names to delete
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Delete one profile
cpln profile delete default
- Delete multiple profiles
cpln profile delete demo-profile@example.com default
profile get
Retrieve one or more profiles
cpln profile get [profiles...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
profiles One or more profiles to show [array] [default: []]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln profile get default
profile login
Create a profile named “default” and launch a browser to begin the interactive login process
cpln profile login [ref] [OPTIONS]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln profile login
profile set-default
Set the referenced profile as the default
cpln profile set-default <profile> [OPTIONS]
profile Profile name to be set as the default [required]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln profile set-default demo-profile
profile token
Show the JWT token of the referenced profile
cpln profile token [profile] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return the token for the default profile
profile Profile to retrieve the token for
Command options:
--serve Serve token on a local server [boolean]
--port Port for the local server [number] [default: 43200]
--jwt View your jwt for the token server [boolean]
--generateToken Generate a new jwt token for the token server [boolean]
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln profile token demo-profile
- 'cpln profile token --serve': Create a server (default port of 43200) instead of outputting the token directly.
This command generates a profile specific token to authenticate against this token server.
- 'cpln profile token --serve --port PORT': Sets the port of the token server.
- 'cpln profile token --jwt': Outputs the token server token for the profile.
- 'cpln profile token --generateToken': Regenerates a token for the profile, for the token server.
An example use case is to integrate the server to a Postman collection. The collection can then make requests to the Control Plane API
without needing to manually copy the token. After the server is running, by executing the 'cpln profile token --serve' command , the user
can utilize the Pre-request script below in Postman:
const postRequest = {
url: "http://localhost:" + pm.environment.get("cplnTokenServerPort") + "/" + pm.environment.get("profile") + "/token",
method: 'GET',
header: {
'authorization': "Bearer " + pm.environment.get("cplnTokenServerToken")
pm.sendRequest(postRequest, (err, response) => {
pm.environment.set("token", response.text());
profile update
Manage the referenced profile
cpln profile update <profile> COMMAND_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
profile Name of the profile to update. If it does not exist, a new profile with that name will be created [required]
Command options:
--login Launch a browser to begin the interactive login process using the referenced profile
--default Set the given profile as the default
--org Set the given organization as the default organization of the referenced profile
--gvc Set the given GVC as the default GVC of the referenced profile
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Create a new profile
cpln profile update new-profile
- Perform an interactive login using a custom profile
cpln profile update new-profile --login
- Set the referenced profile as the default profile
cpln profile update new-profile --default
- Set a default organization and GVC on the referenced profile
cpln profile update new-profile --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
- Remove default organization and GVC on the referenced profile
cpln profile update new-profile --org "" --gvc ""
Show quotas
For a detailed overview, please visit the quota’s reference page.
cpln quota [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln quota edit <ref> Edit the referenced quota, as YAML, within an editor
cpln quota get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced quotas
cpln quota patch <ref> Update the referenced quota's metadata using an input file
cpln quota permissions Show the grantable permissions for a quota object type
cpln quota query Find all the quotas based on the given query
--help Show help [boolean]
quota Subcommands
quota edit
Edit the referenced quota, as YAML, within an editor
cpln quota edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln quota edit b2a6bbc3-e3bb-4623-8689-9fcd71c1c86a --org demo-cpln-organization
quota get
Retrieve one or more referenced quotas
cpln quota get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all quotas
cpln quota get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one quota
cpln quota get b2a6bbc3-e3bb-4623-8689-9fcd71c1c86a --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple quotas
cpln quota get b2a6bbc3-e3bb-4623-8689-9fcd71c1c86a ce98ccc8-e4da-4dcb-a61d-4761f22b8eb2 --org demo-cpln-organization
quota patch
Update the referenced quota’s metadata using an input file
cpln quota patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln quota patch b2a6bbc3-e3bb-4623-8689-9fcd71c1c86a --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
quota permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a quota object type
cpln quota permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln quota permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
quota query
Find all the quotas based on the given query
cpln quota query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property, tag, or relation
- Search for a quota based on a property named
cpln quota query --match any --prop description="Max number of domains" --org demo-cpln-organization
Submit REST requests against the API
cpln rest [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln rest create <path> Submit a POST request followed by a GET request against the referenced path
cpln rest delete <path> Submit a DELETE request against the referenced path
cpln rest edit <path> Launches the default editor with the contents of the referenced path
cpln rest get <path> Submit a GET request against the referenced path
cpln rest patch <path> Submit a PATCH request against the referenced path
cpln rest post <path> Submit a POST request against the referenced path
cpln rest put <path> Submit a PUT request against the referenced path
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
rest Subcommands
rest create
Submit a POST request followed by a GET request against the referenced path
cpln rest create <path> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the request from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin.
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest create /org --file create-org.json
rest delete
Submit a DELETE request against the referenced path
cpln rest delete <path> [OPTIONS]
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest delete /org/demo-cpln-organization/gvc/demo-gvc
rest edit
Launches the default editor with the contents of the referenced path
cpln rest edit <path> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest edit /org/demo-cpln-organization
rest get
Submit a GET request against the referenced path
cpln rest get <path> [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest get /org/demo-cpln-organization
rest patch
Submit a PATCH request against the referenced path
cpln rest patch <path> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the request from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin.
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest patch /org/demo-cpln-organization --file update-org.json
rest post
Submit a POST request against the referenced path
cpln rest post <path> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the request from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin.
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest post /org --file new-org.json
rest put
Submit a PUT request against the referenced path
cpln rest put <path> [OPTIONS]
If using the option —file -, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows) to submit the request
path Resource path (e.g., /org/test/user/adam) [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the request from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin.
--header, -H HTTP headers in curl format: "x-header: value" [array]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln rest put /org/demo-cpln-organization --file update-org.json
Manage secrets
For a detailed overview, please visit the secret’s reference page.
cpln secret [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln secret access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced secret
cpln secret clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced secret [aliases: copy]
cpln secret create-aws Create a new AWS secret
cpln secret create-azure-connector Create a new Azure Connector secret
cpln secret create-azure-sdk Create a new Azure SDK secret
cpln secret create-dictionary Create a new dictionary secret [aliases: create-dict]
cpln secret create-docker Create a new Docker secret
cpln secret create-ecr Create a new ECR secret
cpln secret create-gcp Create a new GCP secret
cpln secret create-keypair Create a new KeyPair secret
cpln secret create-nats Create a new nats account secret
cpln secret create-opaque Create a new opaque secret
cpln secret create-tls Create a new TLS secret
cpln secret create-userpass Create a new Username/Password secret
cpln secret delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced secrets
cpln secret edit <ref> Edit the referenced secret, as YAML, within an editor
cpln secret eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced secret [aliases: log]
cpln secret get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced secrets
cpln secret patch <ref> Update the referenced secret's metadata using an input file
cpln secret permissions Show the grantable permissions for a secret object type
cpln secret query Find all the secrets based on the given query
cpln secret reveal [ref] Show the secret in plaintext
cpln secret tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced secrets
cpln secret update <ref> Update properties of the referenced secret
--help Show help [boolean]
secret Subcommands
secret access-report
Show the access report for the referenced secret
cpln secret access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret access-report demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
secret clone
Create a clone of the referenced secret
cpln secret clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret clone demo-secret --name demo-secret-clone --org demo-cpln-organization
secret create-aws
Create a new AWS secret
cpln secret create-aws --name SECRET_NAME --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY --secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--access-key AWS access key [required]
--secret-key AWS secret key [required]
--role-arn AWS role. Optional: Only if using "assumeRole"
--external-id AWS IAM Role External Id
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-azure-connector
Create a new Azure Connector secret
cpln secret create-azure-connector --name SECRET_NAME --url DEPLOYMENT_URL --code FUNCTION_APP_CODE [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--url URL of the azure connector function [required]
--code Code of the azure connector function [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-azure-sdk
Create a new Azure SDK secret
cpln secret create-azure-sdk --name SECRET_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--file, -f Load the secret from a file. The file is usually created using the command `az ad sp create-for-rbac` [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-dictionary
Create a new dictionary secret
cpln secret create-dictionary --name SECRET_NAME --entry KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--entry Add an entry to the dictionary. Use the syntax: `key=value` [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-docker
Create a new Docker secret
cpln secret create-docker --name SECRET_NAME --file FILE_NAME
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--file, -f Load the docker config from a file (e.g., ~/.docker/config.json) [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-ecr
Create a new ECR secret
cpln secret create-ecr --name SECRET_NAME --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY --repo ECR_REPO [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--access-key AWS access key [required]
--secret-key AWS secret key [required]
--role-arn AWS role. Optional: Only if using "assumeRole"
--repo ECR repository URI (e.g., AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.REGION.amazonaws.com/REPO_NAME) [required]
--external-id AWS IAM Role External Id
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-gcp
Create a new GCP secret
cpln secret create-gcp --name FILE_NAME --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--file, -f Load the secret from a file. The file is usually exported from the GCP console [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-keypair
Create a new KeyPair secret
cpln secret create-keypair --name SECRET_NAME --secret PATH_TO_SECRET_KEY [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--secret Path to the secret key file [required]
--public Path to the public key file
--passphrase Passpharse for the private key
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-nats
Create a new nats account secret
cpln secret create-nats --name SECRET_NAME --account-id ACCOUNT_ID --private-key PRIVATE_KEY [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--account-id Account Id of the NATS account [required]
--private-key Private Key to access the NATS account [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-opaque
Create a new opaque secret
cpln secret create-opaque --name SECRET_NAME --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--file, -f Load the secret content from a file, use - for stdin [required]
--encoding Set encoding. Available options: "base64", "plain" [default: "base64"]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-tls
Create a new TLS secret
cpln secret create-tls --name SECRET_NAME --key PATH_TO_KEY --cert PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--key Path to the private key file in PEM format [required]
--cert Path to the certificate file in PEM format [required]
--chain Path to the certificate chain file in PEM format
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
secret create-userpass
Create a new Username/Password secret
cpln secret create-userpass --name SECRET_NAME --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--username Username [required]
--password Password [required]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret create-userpass --name demo-secret --username username --password password --desc demo-secret --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
secret delete
Delete one or more referenced secrets
cpln secret delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret delete demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
secret edit
Edit the referenced secret, as YAML, within an editor
cpln secret edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: "false"]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret edit demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
secret eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced secret
cpln secret eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret eventlog demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
secret get
Retrieve one or more referenced secrets
cpln secret get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all secrets
cpln secret get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one secret
cpln secret get demo-secret-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple secrets
cpln secret get demo-secret-get-1 demo-secret-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
secret patch
Update the referenced secret’s metadata using an input file
cpln secret patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret patch demo-secret --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
secret permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a secret object type
cpln secret permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln secret permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
secret query
Find all the secrets based on the given query
cpln secret query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a secret based on the name property
cpln secret query --match any --prop name=demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a secret based on the description property
cpln secret query --match any --prop description="demo-secret" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a secret based on a tag
cpln secret query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a secret based on a property and tag
cpln secret query --match any --prop description="demo-secret" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
secret reveal
Show the secret in plaintext
cpln secret reveal [ref] [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource.
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names", "smart"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Reveal the secret of a UserPass secret
cpln secret reveal demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
secret tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced secrets
cpln secret tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a secret
cpln secret tag demo-secret-tag-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln secret tag demo-secret-tag-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln secret tag demo-secret-tag-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple secrets
cpln secret tag demo-secret-tag-1 demo-secret-tag-2 --tag multiple-secrets=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple secrets (after running the example above)
cpln secret tag demo-secret-tag-1 demo-secret-tag-2 --tag multiple-secrets=demo-secret --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple secrets (after running the example above)
cpln secret tag demo-secret-tag-1 demo-secret-tag-2 --remove multiple-secrets --org demo-cpln-organization
secret update
Update properties of the referenced secret
cpln secret update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following secret properties:description
- Description of the secret
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the secret
- Type: string
- Array of target links belonging to the secret
- Type: string
- The target of the secret
- Type: string
- Allowed values: ‘all’
- For the examples below, the initial secret is configured as:
|demo-secret-update |demo-secret-update |userpass |0 minutes ago | |
- Update a secret’s description
cpln secret update demo-secret-update --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update a secret’s tag
cpln secret update demo-secret-update --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage service accounts
For a detailed overview, please visit the service account’s reference page.
cpln serviceaccount [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln serviceaccount access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced service account
cpln serviceaccount add-key <ref> Add a key to the reference service account
cpln serviceaccount clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced service account; this will only duplicate its spec. [aliases: copy]
cpln serviceaccount create Create a new service account
cpln serviceaccount delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced service accounts
cpln serviceaccount edit <ref> Edit the referenced service account, as YAML, within an editor
cpln serviceaccount eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced service account [aliases: log]
cpln serviceaccount get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced service accounts
cpln serviceaccount patch <ref> Update the referenced service account's metadata using an input file
cpln serviceaccount permissions Show the grantable permissions for a service account object type
cpln serviceaccount query Find all the service accounts based on the given query
cpln serviceaccount remove-key <ref> Remove a key from the reference service account
cpln serviceaccount tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced service accounts
--help Show help [boolean]
serviceaccount Subcommands
serviceaccount access-report
Show the access report for the referenced service account
cpln serviceaccount access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount access-report demo-service-account --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount add-key
Add a key to the reference service account
cpln serviceaccount add-key <ref> --description KEY_DESCRIPTION [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--description, --desc Short description for the new key [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
The ‘key’ property returned from the add-key command will only be displayed once. There is no way to retrieve the key in the future.
cpln serviceaccount add-key demo-service-account --desc demo-key --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount clone
Create a clone of the referenced service account; this will only duplicate its spec.
cpln serviceaccount clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount clone demo-service-account --name demo-service-account-clone --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount create
Create a new service account
cpln serviceaccount create --name SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new secret [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount create --name demo-service-account --desc demo-service-account --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount delete
Delete one or more referenced service accounts
cpln serviceaccount delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
Deleting a service account will remove all associated keys
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount delete demo-service-account --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount edit
Edit the referenced service account, as YAML, within an editor
cpln serviceaccount edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount edit demo-service-account --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced service account
cpln serviceaccount eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount eventlog demo-service-account --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount get
Retrieve one or more referenced service accounts
cpln serviceaccount get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all service accounts
cpln serviceaccount get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one service account
cpln serviceaccount get demo-service-account-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get multiple service accounts
cpln serviceaccount get demo-service-account-get-1 demo-service-account-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount patch
Update the referenced service account’s metadata using an input file
cpln serviceaccount patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount patch demo-service-account --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a service account object type
cpln serviceaccount permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln serviceaccount permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount query
Find all the service accounts based on the given query
cpln serviceaccount query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a service account based on the name property
cpln serviceaccount query --match any --prop name=demo-service-account --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a service account based on the description property
cpln serviceaccount query --match any --prop description="demo-service-account" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a service account based on a tag
cpln serviceaccount query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a service account based on a property and tag
cpln serviceaccount query --match any --prop description="demo-service-account" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount remove-key
Remove a key from the reference service account
cpln serviceaccount remove-key <ref> --key KEY_TO_REMOVE [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--key Name of the key to remove. Can be repeated. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- For the example below, the created service account key is:
|demo-service-account |demo-service-account |0 minutes ago |default | |drink="water" |
- Remove key
cpln serviceaccount remove-key demo-service-account --key sT5J5TygtgVZeQjk --org demo-cpln-organization
serviceaccount tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced service accounts
cpln serviceaccount tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a service account
cpln serviceaccount tag demo-service-account-tag-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln serviceaccount tag demo-service-account-tag-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln serviceaccount tag demo-service-account-tag-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
- Add same tag to multiple service accounts
cpln serviceaccount tag demo-service-account-tag-1 demo-service-account-tag-2 --tag multiple-serviceaccounts=true --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag on multiple service accounts (after running the example above)
cpln serviceaccount tag demo-service-account-tag-1 demo-service-account-tag-2 --tag multiple-serviceaccounts=demo-serviceaccount --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove same tag from multiple service accounts (after running the example above)
cpln serviceaccount tag demo-service-account-tag-1 demo-service-account-tag-2 --remove multiple-serviceaccounts --org demo-cpln-organization
manage docker-compose files
Refer to the Compose Deploy guide for additional details.
cpln stack [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln stack deploy deploy from a docker-compose file [aliases: up]
cpln stack manifest Generate a CPLN apply file from a docker-compose file
cpln stack rm Delete objects from a docker-compose file [aliases: down]
--help Show help [boolean]
stack Subcommands
stack deploy
deploy from a docker-compose file
Refer to the compose deploy guide for more details.
cpln stack deploy [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--directory, --dir Path to parent folder of docker-compose file
--compose-file Name of the docker-compose file if alternative naming was used
--build Build images [boolean] [default: true]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
- Assuming there is a docker compose project in the current directory
cpln stack deploy
stack manifest
Generate a CPLN spec file from a compose project. Outputs result to stdout. Note: this command will build and push images to CPLN
cpln stack manifest [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--directory, --dir Path to parent folder of docker-compose file
--compose-file Name of the docker-compose file if alternative naming was used
--build Build images [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Assuming there is a docker compose project in the current directory.
cpln stack manifest
stack rm
Delete all resources generated from a docker compose project.
cpln stack rm [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--directory, --dir Path to parent folder of docker-compose file
--compose-file Name of the docker-compose file if alternative naming was used
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--help Show help [boolean]
- Assuming there is a docker compose project in the current directory
cpln stack rm
Manage pending tasks
cpln task [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln task complete <ref> Complete the referenced task
cpln task delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced tasks
cpln task get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced tasks
cpln task get-mine [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced tasks for the current or overridden profile [aliases: mine]
cpln task permissions Show the grantable permissions for a task object type
cpln task query Find all the tasks based on the given query
--help Show help [boolean]
task Subcommands
task complete
Complete the referenced task
cpln task complete <ref> --answer {accept|reject} [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--answer Accept or reject referenced task [required] [choices: "accept", "reject"]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
task delete
Delete one or more referenced tasks
cpln task delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
task get
Retrieve one or more referenced tasks
cpln task get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
task get-mine
Retrieve one or more referenced tasks for the current or overridden profile
cpln task get-mine [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all tasks for the current or overridden profile
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
task permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a task object type
cpln task permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln task permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
task query
Find all the tasks based on the given query
cpln task query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Manage users
For a detailed overview, please visit the user’s reference page.
cpln user [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln user access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced user
cpln user delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced users
cpln user edit <ref> Edit the referenced user, as YAML, within an editor
cpln user eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced user [aliases: log]
cpln user get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced users
cpln user invite Invite users to the current or overridden organization
cpln user patch <ref> Update the referenced user's metadata using an input file
cpln user permissions Show the grantable permissions for a user object type
cpln user query Find all the users based on the given query
cpln user tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced users
cpln user update <ref> Update properties of the referenced user
--help Show help [boolean]
user Subcommands
user access-report
Show the access report for the referenced user
cpln user access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user access-report test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
user delete
Delete one or more referenced users
cpln user delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
Deleting a user will remove all associated resources (permissions, group memberships, etc.)
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user delete demo-user@controlplane.com --org demo-cpln-organization
user edit
Edit the referenced user, as YAML, within an editor
cpln user edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user edit test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
user eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced user
cpln user eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user eventlog test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
user get
Retrieve one or more referenced users
cpln user get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all users
cpln user get --org demo-cpln-organization
- Get one user
cpln user get test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
user invite
Invite users to the current or overridden organization
cpln user invite --email EMAIL_ADDRESS [--group GROUP_NAME] [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--email Email address of the user to invite [required]
--group Primary group to add the user to after they accept an invitation
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user invite --email demo@controlplane.com --org demo-cpln-organization
user patch
Update the referenced user’s metadata using an input file
cpln user patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user patch test-128@example.com --file update.json --org demo-cpln-organization
user permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a user object type
cpln user permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln user permissions --org demo-cpln-organization
user query
Find all the users based on the given query
cpln user query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a user based on a property
cpln user query --match any --prop email=test-128@example.com --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a user based on a tag
cpln user query --match any --tag firebase/sign_in_provider="password" --org demo-cpln-organization
- Search for a user based on a property and tag
cpln user query --match any --prop email=test-128@example.com --tag firebase/sign_in_provider="password" --org demo-cpln-organization
user tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced users
cpln user tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag
cpln user tag test-128@example.com --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln user tag test-128@example.com --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln user tag test-128@example.com --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization
user update
Update properties of the referenced user
cpln user update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
tags.<key> string [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following user properties:- description
- Description of the user
- Type: string
- tags
- Tags (key=value) associated with the user
- Type: string
- description
- For the examples below, the initial user is configured as:
|HkKCu6TcHIMB8ON8iXayuKw5oop2 |test-128@example.com |test-128@example.com |4 years ago |firebase |firebase/sign_in_provider="password" |
- Update a user’s tag
cpln user update test-128@example.com --set tags.user-name="test-128" --org demo-cpln-organization
Manage a persistent volumeset within a global virtual cloud
For a detailed overview, please visit the volumeset’s reference page.
cpln volumeset [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln volumeset access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset create Create a new volume set
cpln volumeset delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced volume sets
cpln volumeset edit <ref> Edit the referenced volume set, as YAML, within an editor
cpln volumeset eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced volume set [aliases: log]
cpln volumeset expand <ref> Expand the size of one or more volumes in the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced volume sets
cpln volumeset patch <ref> Update the referenced volume set's metadata using an input file
cpln volumeset permissions Show the grantable permissions for a volume set object type
cpln volumeset query Find all the volume sets based on the given query
cpln volumeset snapshot Manage volume set snapshots
cpln volumeset tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced volume sets
cpln volumeset update <ref> Update properties of the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset volume Manage volume set volumes
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset Subcommands
volumeset access-report
Show the access report for the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset create
Create a new volume set
cpln volumeset create --name NAME [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--name Name of the new volume set [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--performance-class Performance class of the volume set [choices: "general-purpose-ssd", "high-throughput-ssd", "shared"] [default: "general-purpose-ssd"]
--file-system-type File system [choices: "xfs", "ext4", "shared"] [default: "xfs"]
--initial-capacity Initial capacity in GB [number] [default: 10]
--enable-autoscaling Enable Autoscaling [boolean] [default: false]
--max-capacity Max capacity in GB, autoscaling needs to be enabled: --enable-autoscaling [number] [default: 10]
--min-free-percentage Min free percentage, autoscaling needs to be enabled: --enable-autoscaling [number] [default: 1]
--scaling-factor Scaling factor, autoscaling needs to be enabled: --enable-autoscaling [number] [default: 1.1]
--create-final-snapshot Create Final Snapshot [boolean] [default: true]
--retention-duration Retention Duration [default: "7d"]
--schedule Snapshot Schedule (UTC)
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset delete
Delete one or more referenced volume sets
cpln volumeset delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset edit
Edit the referenced volume set, as YAML, within an editor
cpln volumeset edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset expand
Expand the size of one or more volumes in the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset expand <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--new-size The new storage capacity of the volume in GiB [number] [required]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset get
Retrieve one or more referenced volume sets
cpln volumeset get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Command options:
--all-gvcs Show volume sets from all the global virtual clouds within the current or overridden organization [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset patch
Update the referenced volume set’s metadata using an input file
cpln volumeset patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a volume set object type
cpln volumeset permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset query
Find all the volume sets based on the given query
cpln volumeset query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset snapshot
Manage volume set snapshots
cpln volumeset snapshot [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln volumeset snapshot create <ref> Create one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset snapshot delete <ref> Delete one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset snapshot get <ref> Retrieve one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset snapshot restore <ref> Restore a snapshot to a volume
--help Show help [boolean]
snapshot Subcommands
volumeset snapshot create
Create one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset snapshot create <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--snapshot-name Name of the snapshot [string] [required]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number]
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset snapshot delete
Delete one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset snapshot delete <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--snapshot-name Name of the snapshot [string] [required]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset snapshot get
Retrieve one or more snapshots by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset snapshot get <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--snapshot-name Name of the snapshot [string]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset snapshot restore
Restore a snapshot to a volume
cpln volumeset snapshot restore <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--snapshot-name Name of the snapshot [string] [required]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string] [required]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number] [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced volume sets
cpln volumeset tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset update
Update properties of the referenced volume set
cpln volumeset update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string
spec.initialCapacity number
spec.snapshots.createFinalSnapshot boolean
spec.snapshots.retentionDuration string
spec.snapshots.schedule string
spec.autoscaling.maxCapacity number
spec.autoscaling.minFreePercentage number
spec.autoscaling.scalingFactor number [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
volumeset volume
Manage volume set volumes
cpln volumeset volume [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln volumeset volume delete <ref> Delete one or more volumes by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset volume get <ref> Retrieve one or more volumes by a volume set reference
--help Show help [boolean]
volume Subcommands
volumeset volume delete
Delete one or more volumes by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset volume delete <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln volumeset volume delete demo-volume-set --location aws-eu-central-1 --volume-index 0
volumeset volume get
Retrieve one or more volumes by a volume set reference
cpln volumeset volume get <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--volume-index The index of the volume of which a snapshot should be taken [number]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln volumeset volume get demo-volume-set
Manage workloads within a global virtual cloud
For a detailed overview, please visit the workload’s reference page.
cpln workload [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln workload access-report <ref> Show the access report for the referenced workload
cpln workload clone <ref> Create a clone of the referenced workload; this will only duplicate its spec. [aliases: copy]
cpln workload connect <ref> Connect to a replica of the workload
cpln workload create Create a new workload
cpln workload cron Manage cron workloads
cpln workload delete <ref...> Delete one or more referenced workloads
cpln workload edit <ref> Edit the referenced workload, as YAML, within an editor
cpln workload eventlog <ref> Show the event log of the referenced workload [aliases: log]
cpln workload exec <ref> Exec a command on a replica of the workload
cpln workload force-redeployment <ref...> Force redeployment of the workload(s)
cpln workload get [ref...] Retrieve one or more referenced workloads
cpln workload get-deployments <ref> Retrieve the current deployments of the referenced workload
cpln workload get-replicas <ref> Get the replicas of the referenced workload in a given location [deprecated: This subcommand is deprecated, use 'replica get' instead.]
cpln workload open <ref> Open the referenced workload's endpoint in your browser
cpln workload patch <ref> Update the referenced workload's metadata using an input file
cpln workload permissions Show the grantable permissions for a workload object type
cpln workload query Find all the workloads based on the given query
cpln workload replica Manage workload replicas
cpln workload run Run a command with a workload instance
cpln workload start <ref...> Start the workload(s)
cpln workload stop <ref...> Stop the workload(s)
cpln workload tag <ref...> Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced workloads
cpln workload update <ref> Update properties of the referenced workload
--help Show help [boolean]
workload Subcommands
workload access-report
Show the access report for the referenced workload
cpln workload access-report <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Display the user / service account / group permissions for the ‘demo-workload’ workload withing the ‘demo-cpln-gvc’ global virtual cloud within the ‘demo-cpln-organization’ organization
cpln workload access-report demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload clone
Create a clone of the referenced workload; this will only duplicate its spec.
cpln workload clone <ref> --name CLONE_NAME [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--name Set the name for the clone [required]
--description Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload clone demo-workload --name demo-workload-clone --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload connect
Connect to a replica of the workload
If multiple replicas are running, use the —replica flag to specify the replica. Use the subcommand get-replicas to view the current list of replicas.
Refer to the cpln workload connect guide for additional details.
cpln workload connect <ref> --location LOCATION [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--replica Replica of the deployment
--container Container name of the workload
--shell, -s Shell to open on replica [default: "bash"]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
workload create
Create a new workload
cpln workload create --name WORKLOAD_NAME --image IMAGE_NAME [OPTIONS]
When creating a new workload and the image was pushed to your org’s private repository,
use the image name shortcut //image/IMAGE_NAME
For Example: cpln workload create --name WORKLOAD_NAME --image //image/IMAGE_NAME
Command options:
--name Name of the new workload [required]
--description, --desc Optional description, defaults to the name if not set
--type Workload type [choices: "serverless", "standard"] [default: "serverless"]
--image Name of the container image [required]
--port Port to expose [number] [default: 8080]
--env Environment variables in KEY=VALUE format
--public Unconstrained ingress & egress for the workload [boolean]
--identity Attach the named identity to the workload spec
--enable-debug Enables debug response headers when the headers "x-cpln-debug: true" is in the request. [boolean] [default: false]
--inherit-env Inherits the environment variables set at GVC level. [boolean] [default: false]
--container-name Name of the container item
--cpu Allocate CPU resources [default: "50m"]
--memory, --mem Allocate Memory [default: "128Mi"]
--volume Mount Object Store (S3, GCS, AzureBlob) buckets as file system. E.g. s3://backups@/mnt/storage
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Type: string
- Minimum Length: 3
- Maximum Length: 64
- Only lowercase characters
- Must begin with a character
- Allowed special characters: -
- Type: string
- Type: number
- Default: 8080
- Minimum Value: 80
- Maximum Value: 65535
- Type: string
- Default: 150m
- Type: string
- Default: 128Mi
NOTE: The ratio between CPU to Memory can be at most 1/8.
cpln workload create --name demo-workload --image gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go --desc demo-workload --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload cron
Manage cron workloads
cpln workload cron [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln workload cron get <ref> Get a list of job executions for the referenced workload
cpln workload cron start <ref> Start a cron job
--help Show help [boolean]
cron Subcommands
workload cron get
Get a list of job executions for the referenced workload
cpln workload cron get <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload cron get demo-cron-workload
workload cron start
Start a cron job
cpln workload cron start <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--container-name Name of the container [string]
--env One or more environment variables in KEY=VALUE format [string]
--command Override the entrypoint [string]
--arg One or more custom command line argument that will be sent to the container [string]
--file, -f File to load and use for the command. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin.
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Basic Usage
cpln workload cron start demo-cron-workload
- Override Container Through Arguments
cpln workload cron start demo-cron-workload --container-name demo --command bash --arg echo --arg hello --arg world --env APP_MODE=dev --location aws-eu-central-1
- Override Multiple Containers Through a File
Example File
name: demo
- name: APP_MODE
value: dev
command: bash
- echo
- hello
- world
name: demo
- name: APP_MODE
value: prod
command: bash
- ls
cpln workload cron start demo-cron-workload --file overrideContainerFile.yaml --location aws-eu-central-1
workload delete
Delete one or more referenced workloads
cpln workload delete <ref...> [OPTIONS]
Deleting a workload will remove all associated resources (containers, etc.)
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Delete a workload
cpln cpln workload delete demo-workload-1 --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Delete multiple workloads
cpln workload delete demo-workload-1 demo-workload-2 --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload edit
Edit the referenced workload, as YAML, within an editor
cpln workload edit <ref> [OPTIONS]
The default editor can be set by using the EDITOR environment variable.
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replace, -r Replace instead of patch/merge [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload edit demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload eventlog
Show the event log of the referenced workload
cpln workload eventlog <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload eventlog demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload exec
Exec a command on a replica of the workload.
Refer to the cpln workload exec guide for additional details.
cpln workload exec <ref> --location LOCATION -- COMMAND ARG1 ARG2 [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
--replica Replica of the deployment
--container Container name of the workload
-- Command to execute on replica
--stdin, -i Pass stdin to the container [boolean] [default: false]
--tty, -t Stdin is a TTY [boolean] [default: false]
--quiet, -q Only print output from the remote session [boolean] [default: false]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Execute a command
cpln workload exec index --location aws-eu-central-1 -- ls /etc | grep group
workload force-redeployment
Force redeployment of the referenced workload(s).
cpln workload force-redeployment <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
workload get
Retrieve one or more referenced workloads
cpln workload get [ref...] [OPTIONS]
An empty reference will return all references
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
Command options:
--all-gvcs Show workloads from all the global virtual clouds within the current or overridden organization [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Get all workloads
cpln workload get --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Get one workload
cpln workload get demo-workload-get-1 --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Get multiple workloads
cpln workload get demo-workload-get-1 demo-workload-get-2 --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload get-deployments
Retrieve the current deployments of the referenced workload
cpln workload get-deployments <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload get-deployments demo-workload-get-deployments --gvc demo-gvc-get-deployments --org demo-cpln-organization
workload get-replicas
Get the replicas of the referenced workload in a given location
cpln workload get-replicas <ref> --location LOCATION [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload get-replicas demo-workload --location aws-eu-central-1 --gvc demo-gvc --org demo-cpln-organization
workload open
Open the referenced workload’s endpoint in your browser
cpln workload open <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Open the endpoint of the referenced workload
cpln workload open demo-workload --gvc demo-gvc --org $2
workload patch
Update the referenced workload’s metadata using an input file
cpln workload patch <ref> --file FILE_NAME [OPTIONS]
Running this command with the option --file -
sets the input to stdin. The input is required to be a valid JSON or YAML string (e.g., {"description": "My new description"}
or description: My new description
). To complete the update, press Control-D (or Control-Z if you are using Windows).
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--file, -f File to load the patch from. Use `--file -` to enable input from stdin. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload patch demo-workload --file workload-update.json --org $2
To update the workload options (i.e., Capacity AI, Scaling Strategy) using the CLI, use the example below to pipe the updated JSON or YAML text to the patch command:
echo '{"spec": {"defaultOptions": {"autoscaling": {"metric": "cpu", "target": 90}, "capacityAI": false}}}' | cpln workload patch WORKLOAD_NAME --f - --org ORG_NAME --gvc GVC_NAME
workload permissions
Show the grantable permissions for a workload object type
cpln workload permissions [OPTIONS]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload permissions --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload query
Find all the workloads based on the given query
cpln workload query QUERY_OPTIONS [OPTIONS]
Query options:
--match Query filter type [choices: "all", "none", "any"] [default: "all"]
--property, --prop Property to query
--tag Tag to query
--rel Tag to query
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Use the --match
option to display all, none, or any of the results based on a given property or tag
- Search for a workload based on the name property
cpln workload query --match any --prop name=demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Search for a workload based on the description property
cpln workload query --match any --prop description="demo-workload" --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Search for a workload based on a tag
cpln workload query --match any --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Search for a workload based on a property and tag
cpln workload query --match any --prop description="demo-workload" --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload replica
Manage workload replicas
cpln workload replica [SUBCOMMAND]
cpln workload replica get <ref> Get the replica of the referenced workload in a given location
cpln workload replica stop <ref> Stop the replica of the referenced workload in a given location
--help Show help [boolean]
replica Subcommands
workload replica get
Get the replica of the referenced workload in a given location
cpln workload replica get <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replica-name Name of the replica [string]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
workload replica stop
Stop the replica of the referenced workload in a given location
cpln workload replica stop <ref> [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Command options:
--replica-name Name of the replica [string] [required]
--location A global virtual cloud location [string] [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload replica stop demo-workload --replica-name demo-workload-0 --location aws-eu-central-1
workload run
Run a command with a workload instance.
Refer to the cpln workload run guide for additional details.
Most basic usage is cpln workload run -- ls -al
This will create a new workload to execute the command, it uses an ubuntu base image.
Other examples are:
If you have a workload you want to reuse: cpln workload run --clone WORKLOAD_NAME -- ls -al
-- <command>
: Must always be at the end.
Optional flags:
: To clean up afterwards.
: To connect to the session.
and --mem
: To override the default resources.
: To override the location. (By default the first location fetched from your gvc).
cpln workload run -- COMMAND [OPTIONS]
Command options:
--clone Clone a workload
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--image Override image
--interactive, -i Make the session interactive [boolean] [default: false]
--remove, --rm Deletes the workload after the command is run [boolean] [default: false]
--cpu Set allocated CPU for the main container
--memory, --mem Set allocated memory for the main container
--env Environment variables in KEY=VALUE format
--command, -c Container command
--arg, -a Container args
--shell, -s Shell to use, only valid when interactive flag is true [default: "bash"]
--location Location to run the command
--container Which container to run the command in, only used when "clone" option is used
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload run --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc -- ls -al
workload start
Start the workload(s)
cpln workload start <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload start demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
workload stop
Stop the workload(s)
cpln workload stop <ref...> [OPTIONS]
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
cpln workload stop demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc
workload tag
Manage the tags belonging to one or more referenced workloads
cpln workload tag <ref...> --tag KEY=VALUE [OPTIONS]
Built-in tags, which begin with cpln/*, can’t be modified.
ref One or more resource references. Usually it is the name of the resource. [array] [required] [default: []]
Command options:
--tag Attach tags (e.g., --tag drink=water)
--remove Remove tags (e.g., --remove tagname)
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- Add a tag to a workload
cpln workload tag demo-workload-tag-1 --tag drink=water --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Update same tag (after running the example above)
cpln workload tag demo-workload-tag-1 --tag drink=coffee --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Remove tag (after running the example above)
cpln workload tag demo-workload-tag-1 --remove drink --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Add same tag to multiple workloads
cpln workload tag demo-workload-tag-1 demo-workload-tag-2 --tag multiple-workloads=true --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Update same tag on multiple workloads (after running the example above)
cpln workload tag demo-workload-tag-1 demo-workload-tag-2 --tag multiple-workloads=demo-workload --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Remove same tag from multiple workload (after running the example above)
cpln workload tag demo-workload-tag-1 demo-workload-tag-2 --remove multiple-workloads --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
workload update
Update properties of the referenced workload
cpln workload update <ref> --set UPDATE_PROPERTY [OPTIONS]
ref The resource reference. Usually it is the name of the resource. [required]
Update Properties:
--set Update the following properties (e.g., --set description="Updated Description"):
description string
tags.<key> string
spec.identityLink string
spec.containers.<name>.image string
spec.containers.<name>.workingDir string
spec.containers.<name>.metrics.port string
spec.containers.<name>.metrics.path string
spec.containers.<name>.cpu string
spec.containers.<name>.memory string
spec.containers.<name>.command string
spec.containers.<name>.args string[]
spec.containers.<name>.env.<name>.value string
spec.containers.<name>.inheritEnv boolean
spec.firewallConfig.external.inboundAllowCIDR string[]
spec.firewallConfig.external.outboundAllowHostname string[]
spec.firewallConfig.external.outboundAllowCIDR string[]
spec.firewallConfig.internal.inboundAllowType { 'none' | 'same-gvc' | 'same-org' | 'workload-list' }
spec.firewallConfig.internal.inboundAllowWorkload string[]
spec.defaultOptions.autoscaling.metric { 'concurrency' | 'cpu' | 'rps' }
spec.defaultOptions.autoscaling.target number
spec.defaultOptions.autoscaling.minScale number
spec.defaultOptions.autoscaling.maxScale number
spec.defaultOptions.autoscaling.scaleToZeroDelay number
spec.defaultOptions.autoscaling.maxConcurrency number
spec.defaultOptions.timeoutSeconds number
spec.defaultOptions.capacityAI boolean
spec.defaultOptions.debug boolean
spec.defaultOptions.suspend boolean
spec.job.schedule string
spec.job.concurrencyPolicy { 'Forbid' | 'Replace' }
spec.job.historyLimit number
spec.job.restartPolicy { 'OnFailure' | 'Never' }
spec.job.activeDeadlineSeconds number
spec.loadBalancer.direct.enabled boolean
spec.loadBalancer.direct.ipSet string
spec.loadBalancer.geoLocation.enabled boolean
spec.loadBalancer.geoLocation.headers.asn string
spec.loadBalancer.geoLocation.headers.city string
spec.loadBalancer.geoLocation.headers.country string
spec.loadBalancer.geoLocation.headers.region string
Arrays can be appended to, replaced, or removed using the `+=`, `=`, or `-=` operators, respectively. [required]
Context options:
--profile Override the profile. The default profile can be set using the `cpln profile set-default` command or by setting the CPLN_PROFILE environment variable
--org Override the organization. The default organization can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
--gvc Override the global virtual cloud. The default global virtual cloud can be set in your profile by using the `cpln profile update` command
Format options:
--output, -o Set the output format [choices: "text", "json", "yaml", "json-slim", "yaml-slim", "tf", "names"]
--color Colorize the output [boolean] [default: true]
--ts Timestamp format if the output format is text (e.g., --output=text) [choices: "iso", "local", "age"]
--max Maximum number of records to show. A value less than 1 will return all records. [number] [default: 50]
Request options:
--token Override the authorization token
--endpoint Override the API URL
--insecure, -k Ignore TLS errors [boolean]
Debug options:
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to stderr [boolean] [default: false]
--debug, -d Show all HTTP communications [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
- The
option allows the modification of the following workload properties:- `description1
- Description of the workload
- Type: string
- Tags (key=value) associated with the workload
- Type: string
- The identity of the workload
- Type: string
- The name of the container image to be pulled
- Type: string
- The port to serve traffic over
- Type: number
- The amount of cpu units available to the workload
- Default: 150m
- Type: string
- The amount of memory available to the workload
- Default: 128Mi
- Type: string
- The environment variables to be available to the workload
- Type: string
- The list of hostnames that the workload is allowed to call
- Type: string[]
- The list of CIDR values that the workload is allowed to call
- Type: string[]
- The list of CIDR values that are allowed to call the workload
- Type: string[]
- Tip: Use the value
to allow all inbound requests
- The allowed inbound types to a workload
- Type: string
- Allowed values: ‘none’ | ‘same-gvc’ | ‘same-org’ | ‘workload-list’
- If the inbound allow type is ‘workload-list’, this property will be active and contain the names of other workloads that can communicate with this workload
- Type: string[]
- Allowed values: Other workload names within the same global virtual cloud
- `description1
NOTE: The ratio between CPU to Memory can be at most 1/8.
- For the examples below, the initial workload is configured as:
|demo-workload-update |demo-workload-update |demo-gvc-workload | |0 minutes ago |https://demo-workload-update-4cv0n7vhz2f1t.t.cpln.app | |
- Update an workload’s description
cpln workload update demo-workload-update --set description="new description" --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Update an workload’s tags
cpln workload update demo-workload-update --set tags.demo-key=demo-value --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
- Update a workload’s Image
NOTE: Use the convention //image/IMAGE:TAG
to reference an image residing within the current org’s private repository.
cpln workload update demo-workload-update --set spec.containers.helloworld-go.image=gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go:latest --org demo-cpln-organization --gvc demo-gvc-workload
Common Options
The options listed below are common to most of the subcommands.
Use the option --help
on each subcommand to view the options available.
- Name of the resource being created
- Type: string
- Description of the resource
- If the description is not given, it will be the same as the name
- Type: string
- Add one or more tags to a resource
- Type: string
- Format: key=value
- The syntax tag=value tries to guess the JSON type of the value, so true would be processed as a boolean. To force a string value, use —tag id:1234. This would result in the string
recorded as the value. - Example:
--tag environment=prod
- Type: string
- Use
--file -
to enable input from standard input - Used by the
command andpatch
- Perform this command in the browser
- Override the default profile
- or use the command cpln profile set-default to set a default profile
- or set the environment variable
to set a default profile
- Override the default organization
- or use the command cpln profile update to set a default organization
- Override the default global virtual cloud
- or use the command cpln profile update to set a default global virtual cloud
- Set the output format
- Type: string
- Available choices:
, andyaml
- Default:
- If the output is truncated, use
to view the full response.
- Colorize the output
- Type: boolean
- Default:
- Color is disabled if stdout is not a terminal
- Format of timestamps
- Type: string
- Available choices:
, andage
- Only active when the output is set to text
- Maximum number of records to display
- Type: number
- Default:
(all records) - A value less than 1 will return all records
Used within the query
- Query filter type
- Type: string
- Available choices:
, andany
- Default:
- Property to query
- Type: string
- Can be any resource property such as name or description
- Example:
--property name=demo-agent
- Tag to query
- Type: string
- Can be any attached tag on a resource
- Example:
--tag environment=prod
- Relation to query
- Type: string
- Override the authorization token
- Type: string
- Default: The authorization token linked to the current profile
- Hint: Use the command cpln profile token to obtain the token for the default or a specific profile
- Override the API URL
- Type: string
- Default: https://api.cpln.io/
- Type: boolean
- Ignore TLS errors
- Enable verbose output to standard error
- Display all HTTP communications to the API endpoint
Global Options
Display the CLI help menu
cpln --help
Display the CLI version
cpln --version
- Installation
- Autocomplete
- Commands
- account
- account get
- agent
- agent access-report
- agent create
- agent delete
- agent edit
- agent eventlog
- agent get
- agent info
- agent manifest
- agent patch
- agent permissions
- agent query
- agent tag
- agent up
- agent update
- apply
- auditctx
- auditctx access-report
- auditctx clone
- auditctx create
- auditctx edit
- auditctx eventlog
- auditctx get
- auditctx patch
- auditctx permissions
- auditctx query
- auditctx tag
- auditctx update
- cloudaccount
- cloudaccount access-report
- cloudaccount create-aws
- cloudaccount create-azure
- cloudaccount create-gcp
- cloudaccount create-ngs
- cloudaccount delete
- cloudaccount edit
- cloudaccount eventlog
- cloudaccount get
- cloudaccount patch
- cloudaccount permissions
- cloudaccount query
- cloudaccount tag
- convert
- cp
- delete
- domain
- domain access-report
- domain create
- domain delete
- domain edit
- domain eventlog
- domain get
- domain patch
- domain permissions
- domain query
- domain tag
- group
- group access-report
- group add-member
- group clone
- group create
- group delete
- group edit
- group eventlog
- group get
- group patch
- group permissions
- group query
- group remove-member
- group tag
- group update
- gvc
- gvc access-report
- gvc add-location
- gvc clone
- gvc create
- gvc delete
- gvc delete-all-workloads
- gvc edit
- gvc eventlog
- gvc get
- gvc patch
- gvc permissions
- gvc query
- gvc remove-location
- gvc tag
- gvc update
- helm
- helm get
- helm get manifest
- helm get values
- helm history
- helm install
- helm list
- helm rollback
- helm template
- helm uninstall
- helm upgrade
- identity
- identity access-report
- identity create
- identity delete
- identity edit
- identity eventlog
- identity get
- identity patch
- identity permissions
- identity query
- identity tag
- identity update
- image
- image access-report
- image build
- image copy
- image delete
- image docker-login
- image edit
- image get
- image patch
- image permissions
- image query
- image tag
- location
- location access-report
- location create
- location delete
- location edit
- location get
- location install
- location patch
- location permissions
- location query
- location tag
- location uninstall
- login
- logs
- misc
- misc install-completion
- misc uninstall-completion
- mk8s
- mk8s access-report
- mk8s clone
- mk8s dashboard
- mk8s delete
- mk8s edit
- mk8s eventlog
- mk8s get
- mk8s join
- mk8s kubeconfig
- mk8s patch
- mk8s permissions
- mk8s query
- mk8s tag
- mk8s update
- operator
- operator install
- operator uninstall
- org
- org access-report
- org create
- org edit
- org eventlog
- org get
- org patch
- org permissions
- org query
- org tag
- org update
- policy
- policy access-report
- policy add-binding
- policy clone
- policy create
- policy delete
- policy edit
- policy eventlog
- policy get
- policy patch
- policy permissions
- policy query
- policy remove-binding
- policy tag
- policy update
- port-forward
- profile
- profile delete
- profile get
- profile login
- profile set-default
- profile token
- profile update
- quota
- quota edit
- quota get
- quota patch
- quota permissions
- quota query
- rest
- rest create
- rest delete
- rest edit
- rest get
- rest patch
- rest post
- rest put
- secret
- secret access-report
- secret clone
- secret create-aws
- secret create-azure-connector
- secret create-azure-sdk
- secret create-dictionary
- secret create-docker
- secret create-ecr
- secret create-gcp
- secret create-keypair
- secret create-nats
- secret create-opaque
- secret create-tls
- secret create-userpass
- secret delete
- secret edit
- secret eventlog
- secret get
- secret patch
- secret permissions
- secret query
- secret reveal
- secret tag
- secret update
- serviceaccount
- serviceaccount access-report
- serviceaccount add-key
- serviceaccount clone
- serviceaccount create
- serviceaccount delete
- serviceaccount edit
- serviceaccount eventlog
- serviceaccount get
- serviceaccount patch
- serviceaccount permissions
- serviceaccount query
- serviceaccount remove-key
- serviceaccount tag
- stack
- stack deploy
- stack manifest
- stack rm
- task
- task complete
- task delete
- task get
- task get-mine
- task permissions
- task query
- user
- user access-report
- user delete
- user edit
- user eventlog
- user get
- user invite
- user patch
- user permissions
- user query
- user tag
- user update
- volumeset
- volumeset access-report
- volumeset create
- volumeset delete
- volumeset edit
- volumeset eventlog
- volumeset expand
- volumeset get
- volumeset patch
- volumeset permissions
- volumeset query
- volumeset snapshot
- volumeset snapshot create
- volumeset snapshot delete
- volumeset snapshot get
- volumeset snapshot restore
- volumeset tag
- volumeset update
- volumeset volume
- volumeset volume delete
- volumeset volume get
- workload
- workload access-report
- workload clone
- workload connect
- workload create
- workload cron
- workload cron get
- workload cron start
- workload delete
- workload edit
- workload eventlog
- workload exec
- workload force-redeployment
- workload get
- workload get-deployments
- workload get-replicas
- workload open
- workload patch
- workload permissions
- workload query
- workload replica
- workload replica get
- workload replica stop
- workload run
- workload start
- workload stop
- workload tag
- workload update
- Common Options
- Command
- Context
- Format
- Query
- Request
- Debug
- Global Options
- help
- version